At first, you might not notice anything wrong with the plant, except some white or gray circular patches on the leaves. I’ve recently done posts on the Aeachmea, Pink Quill Plant and Guzmania, all of which are favored for their showy flower heads.. Neoregelia Plant Care Tips.

If plant leaves are turning white and dying, the underlying reason is most likely either sunscorch or powdery mildew.

They are soft leaved, smoother edged, and form graceful small rosettes. I get lots of questions about bromeliads both here and on Youtube because they’re such a popular blooming houseplant. Place bromeliads in a bright location like an east- or west-facing window. These pups  usually appear before the mother even starts to die out. Bromeliad plant problems usually start with water. Yeah it's all over the dead outer leaves having a good munch. When they begin to dehydrate, they pull water away from the leaf tips. Re: White Fuzz on Bromeliad ?? These Aechmea plant care tips will help keep yours healthy as can be. Neoregelias (my favorites) are grown for their foliage but the other types are grown for their colorful flower spikes. The slightest movement of the plants in the wind or any falter on the part of the insect, causes it to flip and fall into the water filled leaf axils of the bromeliad. When a bromeliad has brown lower leaf tips, it is indicating that it needs more water. Don't position them in direct sunlight that can damage and burn the leaves. If you see white stuff on plant leaves, it’s probably powdery mildew. Bromeliads are extremely resilient plants. The weird, white stuff is a fungus called powdery mildew.Its spores are everywhere, but they don't germinate unless the conditions are right. Aechmea Plant Care Tips: A Beautiful Bromeliad with the Pink Flower Aechmea fasciata (Urn Plant or Silver Vase Plant) makes a great houseplant because it’s beautiful and low-maintenance. These water-absorbing scales help the plant absorb water as well as shield the plant from solar radiation in desert climates. True to its name, this fungus covers plant leaves and stems with what looks like powdered sugar. Their culture requirements are very simple, few pests bother them and they thrive in indoor light.

Unfortunately, baking soda fungicide is most effective as a preventative, offering only minimal benefits after your plants have become infected.

Author: admin 1 Comment Blooming, Care and Culture, Classification. And that's what crepe murderers have helped to do this year. Catopsis (ka-top’sis) – Belonging to the Tillandsioideae subfamily; these plants are epiphytes and comprise about 21 known species. It is like an intensified sunburn from water pooling on the leaves and damaging them. The UV-reflective white powder that coats the leaves is crumbly and loose and greatly hinders the ability of insects in securing a firm footing. We're used to tree leaves changing color throughout the year, but dusty white usually isn't in their color palette. The flowers last for about 3 to 6 months (sometimes longer). 3 Comments. I'd rinse it off and try and have more air circulation - you want the brom to be pretty dry but hold water in the middle. Do you have some printable information I could send her or do you have a suggestion of a website that may be helpful? Also, gray mold is more apt to cover the entire plant, while powdery mildew usually starts first on the leaves and then spreads to other parts of the plant. White powder on the leaves is a mineral build-up, which is commonly caused by watering with tap water. Customers often email and call us about an unusual white, fuzzy substance on the leaves of their new air plants. When fully mature (usually after three or four years’ growth), the plant send up strong flower stalk bearing a pink inflorescence up to 15cm (6 inch) long. Over-fertilization can also cause a white build up at the base of the leaves. Bromeliads have trichomes on the surface of their leaves. White powder on the Bromeliad leaves. I have a customer who would like some information and literature on how to care for her new Bromeliad plant.
Bromeliad leaves are curling or have brown tips Are you confused about when and how to prune off bromeliad flowers? This causes the ends of the leaves to turn brown and shrivel. Individual bromeliad leaves are usually straplike and stiff, with smooth or toothed margins, and are often striped or spotted with white, yellow or red. The diagnostic cottony tufts on leaves are their egg sacks.

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