and find homework help for other History questions at eNotes ... most poleis were small, with Athens and Sparta being the exceptions. Sparta and Athens By: Amy Clifford, Jasmine Gomes and Julia Nicoll Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. ... Athens and Sparta.
Girls did not have full rights in Athens and were regarded as wasteful beings but in Sparta they took full part in training because that helped them reproduce warriors according to their beliefs.
... Anatolia. They both were named after a Greek god. Athens was named after Athena. Sparta: Military Might. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Girls did not have full rights in Athens and were regarded as wasteful beings but in Sparta they took full part in training because that helped them reproduce warriors according to their beliefs. Sparta and Athens - these two city-states have been credited for being the cradle of western civilization.
Athens boys did get military training when they turned 18. Athens and Sparta both had very efficient fighting forces and and were the two powerhouse cities in Greece… The economy of ancient cultures, including both Greece and Rome, was based on agriculture. The same culture and ethnicity. 3) Education - Athens felt education like reading and writing was important so boys were educated to be artists, writers, craftsmen, etc. Sparta was named after Sparta the daughter of Eurotas. They both were named after a Greek god. People were offered many luxuries in Athens while people of Sparta did not get many leisure living opportunities. Sparta's economy was based on farming. However, the … … Sparta Government Sparta's government was an Obligarchy, which means it was in the hands of a few. Athens used walls for their defense against other city-states. They grew food and stole from their neighbors. Athens had a strong navy while Sparta had a strong army. They were both city-states. They had a few things in common, and throughout history, they were at war with each other for domination and supremacy. …
The main difference between Athens and Sparta is that Athens had a formal democracy arrangement and rooted in the philosophy of arts and learning, whereas Sparta had an organisation where a small group of people had control of the region with a military mindset. In Assassin's Creed I you have Damascus as the Athens to Acre's Sparta during the third Crusade. The systems and structure of government in Sparta and Athens did have a degree of disparity, but shared many things in common too. Sparta was named after Sparta the daughter of Eurotas.
Militaristic Focuses While Sparta and Athens both developed formidable land and sea forces at different stages in their history, each dominated in … What did the Athens and Sparta have in common? My teacher is making us to a compare and contrast but i cant think of any compare.Plz help. On the other hand, Athens did not have a very strong army, their expertise was in the navy. Start studying Actual Chapter 5 Quiz. roughly fifth and fourth centuries B.C.). They grew food and stole from their neighbors. Located in the southern part of Greece on the Peloponnisos peninsula, the city-state of Sparta developed a militaristic society ruled by two kings and an oligarchy, or small group that exercised political control. Athens was named after Athena. Athens' government is a democracy, which means citizens have the power. Get an answer for 'Describe what the Greek poleis had in common. ' Only boys were educated in Athens. 0 1 1. Favorite Answer.
Start studying Athens and Sparta. 1 decade ago. They both fought in the Persian war and later the pelopensian war, against each other . Athens wanted to expand their territory and invade other lands, Spartans wanted to stay on their own but always replied back with force when someone attacked them. Check Out This Informative Sparta Vs. Athens Comparison Chart. Login to reply the answers Post; Still have questions? HOW ATHENS AND SPARTA FOUGHT A LONG AND DISASTROUS WAR FOR THE LEADERSHIP OF GREECE. What did Athens and Sparta have in common? Answer Save. Athens vs. Sparta. Sparta and Athens By: Amy Clifford, Jasmine Gomes and Julia Nicoll Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising.
Both were Greek, thats a start.
The agoge and the Sparta that it produced can best be understood comparatively by reference to the kind of male initiation ceremonies and rituals found in other warrior societies.
Anonymous. Athens had a strong navy while Sparta had a strong army. Spartan children were only trained to fight but both boys and girls were trained. Athens was located in the Balkan Peninsula and Sparta was located on the Peloponnesian Peninsula. Such infrastructure was not seen in Sparta. 1 Answer. 3) Education - Athens felt education like reading and writing was important so boys were educated to be artists, writers, craftsmen, etc. Athens rose high from the plain.
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