Der "Gesundheitsbericht Diabetes 2019" fasst alle wichtigen Daten zu Diabetes Typ 1 und Typ 2 zusammen. Type 2 Diabetes; 2 Diabetes Mellitus… Diabetes Care 1997. PK ! ppt/slides/_rels/slide28.xml.rels�Ͻ 8 thoughts to “Diabetes Mellitus Ppt 2019” Beat Your Diabetes says: May 9, 2017 at 12:41 am . Diabetes mellitus, also known simply as diabetes, involves how your body turns food into energy. EPIDEMIOLOGY Globally 382 million people had diabetes in 2013 By 2035, this number will rise to 592 million In India 65.1 million people had diabetes … �;|p~����O-��T���\M��J� ������ �#� � ���g�����o��Y'��\m�FƆ���;��Y��jG[��DG��6B�D�G�MjI~��%p:͓�4/6���E�o��I�[��5�ܺq�/I�G��? ppt/slides/_rels/slide17.xml.rels�Ͻ Last update: 14/09/2020. Endocrine DEBORAH J EVINRUDE MSN, RN, CNE Diabetes Mellitus … A. ppt/slides/_rels/slide32.xml.rels�Ͻ Author American Diabetes Association. Women who fulfil the criteria of a manifest diabetes … PSAP 2019 BOOK 3 • Endocrinology and Nephrology 7 Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus By Andrew S. Bzowyckyj, Pharm.D., BCPS, CDE INTRODUCTION The prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes … K�=� 7 ! Henry EB, Patterson CC, Cardwell CR. �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! K�=� 7 ! 2.16 Test women with gestational diabetes mellitus for prediabetes or diabetes at 4–12 weeks postpartum, using the 75-g oral glucose tolerance test and clinically appropriate nonpregnancy diagnostic criteria. Versichertenbezogener Qualitätsbericht "Diabetes mellitus Typ 2" (Berichtszeitraum: 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019) 2 Merkmale der Teilnehmer Geschlechtsverteilung der Teilnehmer zum Zeitpunkt der Erstdokumentation (alle KV-Regionen, n=1.887) weiblich 47,1% männlich 52,9% Auswertungsbasis sind die DMP-Dokumentationsdaten des bitInfoNet. Global Diabetes Drug Market will be US$ 78.10 Billion by 2026 - According to the latest report by Renub Research, titled "Diabetes Drug Market Global & Forecast By Disease, Oral Therapy, Injection, Insulin, Regions, Company" Diabetes drugs are used to treat pre-diabetes and diabetes mellitus … �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! DIABETES MELLITUS: el enemigo más dulce Pilar Casasnovas y Blanca Urdin CS Las Fuentes Norte 2. Diabetes occurs in one of the following situations: The pancreas (an organ behind your stomach) produces little insulin or no insulin at all. �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! View/ Open. Diabetes mellitus (DM), commonly known as diabetes, is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by a high blood sugar level over a prolonged period of time. was considered gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), regardless of whether the condition actually existed before the pregnancy or con-tinued after the pregnancy. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. ¶f�aqdb����e��d��������F�����H;3��;���҇�|\�2N [�Tڽ�$�t%XS��܃� �&�Gbf�O��|�f��sgү̮����m$�Qr&Pr*u&T��őy�h� M�v�>J���.|,��Oz�P���J(� aS�/�*=��B��]��R��"E�}���'@�ΥH��JP��"}��N�����v�5�h/�y���j���M�9ZMRx�M���&��Ze�f ����d��y��Ԙw nڦ�B����D�_+$��Ie'w� ��.�ີ��n�!� ���/q� e��s�چV���Jn����-�y>9����=�����c����@~�.�d� �� PK ! �� �6 S [Content_Types].xml �(� ̙]o� ��'�?X�N1o];���>��Q��`�I�f�5�~�N��r����D���س���6`�Ԫ$,��T�k��%�y�erJ2煪E��d���_��]m �,��+��{�RW��.�T�Yh� K�=� 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide8.xml.rels�Ͻ Abridged for Primary Care Providers. milk is use diabets patient in telugu. Mark, Kerry L. Lee, Hussein R. Al‐Khalidi, Michael T. Lu, Patricia A. Pellikka, Quynh A. Trong, Pamela S. Douglas �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! Altersverteilung der Teilnehmer je KV-Region zum … Allen gemeinsam ist, dass sie zu erhöhten Blutzuckerwerten führen, weil die Patientinnen und Patienten einen Mangel am Hormon Insulin haben und/oder die Insulinwirkung vermindert ist. The underlying cause of diabetes varies by type. Data from this report can help focus critical type 2 diabetes prevention and diabetes management efforts across the nation. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! Der Diabetes mellitus (‚honigsüßer Durchfluss‘, ... IDF Diabetes Atlas 2013: 2019: 463 Millionen: 9,3 %: 2045: 700 Millionen IDF Diabetes Atlas 2019: Den weltweit größten Anteil an Diabetikern in der Bevölkerung hat der im Pazifik gelegene Inselstaat Nauru. D �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! 9789241515702-eng.pdf (‎990.8Kb)‎ Rights. K�=� 7 ! 2019) Hauptdiagnose: E10.61+ Diabetes mellitus [Typ-1] mit sonstigen näher bezeichneten Komplikationen, als entgleist bezeichnet Nebendiagnose: N08.3* Glomeruläre Krankheiten bei Diabetes mellitus Anmerkung: Der Kode E10.61 gilt hier als "Ätiologiekode" für den Stern-Kode … View Endocrine Powerpoint Spring 2019 (1).pptx from NURSING NR 325 at Chamberlain College of Nursing. Diabetes Care. ppt/slides/_rels/slide15.xml.rels�Ͻ �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! ��)J+��_(9�g�%�Z�)�rk/q\Z�x~��ds�|��V��V���B�Uh��6���z�U�D�H�9��^%/Y�|%����ߩ��\12Q��۾}����d�ő��Z��Е(r�P���*��jNy�� ��- � ppt/slides/_rels/slide2.xml.rels���K�0���CɽIZE�X;�*�"�^z �k�� I����P�&xX���|���[��zH���� �$�Z�L_���9�'I��H1X� �uy}�z�AD|vʅ)&d�[2�h�u`��Y�Eģ��^��r��?e�r�LjY_��l&�aۮS-T�5�x&�)����XJ���w=�����/�%�ELv�3����RN1�/��f̴�N� ��q�lI3��T�Ѻf�dh��*�y����������j%�=#x#���f�S~ �� PK ! Verbessert Psychotherapie die Prognose? �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! DIABETIC MELLITUS DEFINITION:- Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. K�=� 7 ! This algorithm supplements the AACE and American College of Endocrinology (ACE) 2015 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Developing a Diabetes Mellitus Comprehensive Care Plan (6) and is organized … Share. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Diabetes mellitus (Zuckerkrankheit) ist ein Überbegriff für verschiedene Störungen des Stoffwechsels. If left untreated, diabetes can cause many complications. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Diabetes im Überblick. ppt/slides/_rels/slide29.xml.rels�Ͻ 3.1 At least annual monitoring for the development of type 2 … 2020 Cost-effectiveness of Diabetes Prevention Interventions . Die meisten davon – nämlich über 90 % – haben Diabetes Typ 2. 2.15 Test for gestational diabetes mellitus at 24–28 weeks of gestation in pregnant women not previously known to have diabetes. The present review served to examine clinical ties between DM and liver fibrosis and hepatic cirrhosis and explore related biologic mechanisms. ppt/slides/_rels/slide22.xml.rels�Ͻ Ongoing patient self-management education and support are critical to preventing acute complications and reducing the risk of long-term complications. K�=� 7 ! Ms. Amandeep Kaur kP�[z ppt/presentation.xml��n� ��'�,�N����L�L�:�Z��6I�a��tm����� �4i�� Mit der Einreichung der Leitlinien durch die Autoren bzw. DIABETES MELLITUS TIPO 1 Es una … B Kaysers Consilium GmbH (Kontakt: / 02832-404010) Kodierhilfe Diabetes mellitus (Vers. Classification of diabetes mellitus 5 Introduction Since 1965 the World Health Organization has periodically updated and published guidance on how to classify diabetes mellitus (hereafter referred to as “diabetes”) (1). American Diabetes Association. Risk of severe COVID-19 — Severe illness, manifested as the need for hospitalization, intubation, and death, can occur in otherwise healthy individuals of any age, but the risk of severe illness is most pronounced in adults with advanced age or underlying medical comorbidities, including diabetes . Diabetes Mellitus, medical and nursing management with its Complecations. diabetes mellitus ppt 2019 ‍women. Export xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.processing. World Health Organization. Medizinisch unterscheidet man verschiedene Diabetes-Formen. CDC’s Division of Diabetes Translation has released the National Diabetes Statistics … K�=� 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide5.xml.rels�Ͻ 2.16 Test women with gestational diabetes mellitus for prediabetes or diabetes … Published in 2019 Reference Related materials. c b n a. Emily Willingham, PhD Conference Reports 05.09.2019; Der Zugang zum gesamten Inhalt dieser Seite ist nur Angehörigen medizinischer Fachkreise vorbehalten. Ep`e � ppt/slides/slide11.xml�]�n9��Ҿ�5�v$s�\D���AH]��� ��I,fl�v�Ļ�,�@(l���g|9��?��ɳ盲@k�4|����C��3�xof�V�C�`��Bp:������3��E�li��xୌ�}��dEK��BRn�B���W��s�/�ֲ� ��3�5�����#t,�EI���(Z`c[�WL�6�=ڤ�ڪq�o4����L�� PMID: 30559235 DOI: 10.2337/dc19-S009 Abstract The American Diabetes Association (ADA) "Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes" includes ADA's current clinical practice recommendations and is intended to provide the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals and guidelines, … K�=� 7 ! Learn more about the different types of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes occurs in one of the following situations: The pancreas (an organ behind your stomach) … Free Diabetes PPT slides help spread awareness regarding Type II Diabetes. Rama Devi says: October 8, 2017 at 3:59 pm . K�=� 7 ! K�=� 7 ! Liegt eine Form des Diabetes mellitus vor, die mit einem Kode aus E10.− bis E14.− verschlüsselt wird, und bestehen Komplikationen des Diabetes, so ist für die korrekte Verschlüsselung zunächst festzustellen, ob. View Statistics Show Statistical Information. K�=� 7 ! The Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes is updated annually, or more frequently online if new evidence or regulatory changes merit immediate incorporation, and is published in Diabetes Care. �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! But, no matter what type of diabetes you have, it can lead to excess sugar in your blood. DIABETES Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of diseases that affect how your body uses blood sugar (glucose). K�=� 7 ! Most pumps allow for setting several CIRs throughout the day. �a�\^��hD.Cy�1�B�Y����z �� Diabetes [Petrie 2016], dennoch sind mehr als 100000 Menschen in Deutschland mit Typ 1- - Diabetes älter als 70 Jahre [Tamayo 201; viele davon haben weitere chronische Erkranku6] n- gen und Funktionsstörungen und sind deshalb als geriatrische Patienten zu bezeichnen. Risk Factors and Prevention. Trending. Diabetes Care, 2019;42(Supplement 1):S1-S2 Objectives. K�=� 7 ! Insulin is a naturally occurring hormone, produced by the beta cells of the pancreas, which helps the body use sugar for energy. 6 Vorwort Monika Kellerer, Jens Kröger Diabetes: eine Volkskrankheit und ihre Prävention 9 Epidemiologie des Diabetes in Deutschland Esther Jacobs, Wolfgang Rathmann 17 Gesundheitsökonomische Aspekte des Diabetes mellitus Joseph Montalbo, Ute Linnenkamp, Silke Andrich, Andrea Icks 26 Prävention des Diabetes ist erwachsen geworden Peter E. H. Schwarz, Patrick … Classification of diabetes mellitus 5 Introduction Since 1965 the World Health Organization has periodically updated and published guidance on how to classify diabetes mellitus (hereafter referred to as “diabetes… This is an abridged version of the American Diabetes Association’s S. tandards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2019. Chronic Nursing Care. Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on the Evaluation of Stable Chest Pain Patients: Insights From the PROMISE (Prospective Multicenter Imaging Study for Evaluation of Chest Pain) Trial Abhinav Sharma, Nishant K. Sekaran, Adrian Coles, Neha J. Pagidipati, Udo Hoffmann, Daniel B. ppt/slides/_rels/slide34.xml.rels���N1�w$�!�Nr�!�\��T�,��'u``����'y��x�Θ� $a�`H:K�������\���3l����;:U�Rm̬R(KK��Bd=�W���T'}H^�Z�AD��j@�6ͣH��L�3�δ�sĿ�C�[�۠O��8!�JJ�ұBU��`�i�%�-�\��u��;�Lx�L��ۦ��4��ܫ9�ʯ+���E���ė�X �� PK ! Diabetes mellitus. Der Nutzer hat mit dem Dossier einen schnellen Zugriff auf wichtige quantitative Fakten etwa zur Verbreitung der Stoffwechselkrankheit in Form von Prävalenzraten und Fallzahlen, zu den anfallenden Krankheitskosten oder zur prognostizierten Entwicklung der Erkrankung. Diabetes mellitus ist eine chronische Stoffwechselkrankheit, die zu dauerhaft erhöhten Blutzuckerspiegeln führt. K�=� 7 ! In Deutschland hat sich Diabetes zu einer wahren Volkskrankheit entwickelt – über sechs Millionen Menschen sind betroffen. K�=� 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide6.xml.rels�Ͻ ppt/slides/_rels/slide14.xml.rels�Ͻ ppt/slides/_rels/slide27.xml.rels�Ͻ �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! Classification of diabetes mellitus. Type 1 Diabetes ; 2. Juni 2019 von Erhard Siegel (Autor), Frank Schröder (Autor), Manfred Dreyer (Autor), & 4,5 von 5 Sternen 2 Sternebewertungen. K�=� 7 ! ESC 2019 — Neue Leitlinien zu Diabetes und HKL-Erkrankungen behandeln den Einsatz von SGLT-2-Inhibitoren und GLP-1-RA. Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of diseases that affect how your body uses blood sugar (glucose). A. IDF Diabetes Atlas Ninth Edition 2019. K�=� 7 ! Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Mellitus Ppt 2019. These are aimed at teaching kids about preventive procedures, so they can identify the cause and symptoms of Diabetes through free PPT slides.. Download Diabetes Hypoglycemia and other similar templates with a simple design, and run them using Microsoft PowerPoint. Bei der häufigsten Form, dem TypDiabetes, handelt 2- es sich um eine lebensstilassoziierte Zivili-sationskrankheit. Most pumps allow for setting several CIRs throughout the day. ppt/slides/_rels/slide23.xml.rels�Ͻ Diabetes Mellitus Ppt 2019. Click here to access the corresponding chapter in ESC CardioMed - Section 19 Diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome 2020 Cost-effectiveness of Interventions to Manage Diabetes. �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! K�=� 7 ! 6 • New data on the financial costs of diabetes to individuals and society: In 2017, the cost of diagnosed diabetes … �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! Die Urheberrechte für alle hier veröffentlichten Texte liegen bei den Autoren, die Verwertungsrechte bei den angegebenen Fachgesellschaften, Autoren oder Autorengruppen (natürliche oder juristische Personen). 1. �%R+��ǹ� �� PK ! Practice Guidelines Resources. Diabetes mellitus is a disease that prevents your body from properly using the energy from the food you eat. ppt/slides/_rels/slide10.xml.rels�Ͻ (�W�ke����b�W�4�_�[��z�����E�Q�vrf{��dq��e��}0)�7��cz2 41 Diabetes Mellitus Ppt 2019 Near Me. �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! ... Official Guidelines for Diabetes Mellitus – 2019 … DIABETES MELLITUS. ppt/slides/_rels/slide11.xml.rels�Ͻ Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. �vI����%P>���J+�O|W��g�`!֍�>_���QK�}�uS�D�]��NG� �G������cY ��F�w�2٭#�~�[I�ބf�zO���_��5d��� ��1�.������FP�b!+�u�nC$�/�6�5�VHu��C0� � ��f�o��&۫� �M��pt���-:�;t�t�����g�l���oE��E��E�/F�oF��F��F�/G�oG�oG�Ό�v��v��v��v��v��v��v��v,��X�۱x���X�ر�\Xm\�GO}�c ��>F�W����k���Q�j��ox�U�~���*�z�w�ph�Q�P��LiǔFqLi,ǔ��ǔ�ǔ�Xǔ�ǔ��ǔ�1`$��C����J[xX/￟��JG/�W{5�#s����� �� PK ! �|�t!9�rL���߰'����~2��0��(H[s�=D�[:b4�(uH���L'�e�b���K9U!��Z�W���{�h���^���Mh�w��uV�}�;G�缦�o�Y�D���S7t}N!�3yC���a��Fr�3� �� PK ! ��.�� � ! ppt/slides/_rels/slide13.xml.rels�Ͻ �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! DIABETES MELLITUS. A meta-analysis of the association between pre-eclampsia and childhood-onset Type 1 diabetes mellitus. K�=� 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide7.xml.rels�Ͻ Das Statista-Dossier Diabetes mellitus stellt relevante Statistiken zum Thema in einer präzisen Übersicht zusammen. •Incorporate monitoring of diabetes self-care activities into treatment goals in people with diabetes and serious mental illness. Get my diabetes diet and management guide here Q: What could happen if someone were misdiagnosed as having diabetes and took insulin but didn''t need insulin, and is injected with i Symptoms often include frequent urination, increased thirst, and increased appetite. A common finding in type 2 diabetes is a reduced number of pancreatic beta cells.3 In addition, genetic predisposition may reduce the ability of beta cells to secrete … 1/2019 - Diabetes mellitus Einleitung In Bayern sindüber eine Million Men- schen von einem Diabetes mellitus be-troffen (StMGP 2014). The American Diabetes Association (ADA) "Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes" includes ADA's current clinical practice recommendations and is intended to provide the components of … Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Google+ Share to LinkedIn Share to More. Wednesday, November 25 2020. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. K�=� 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide1.xml.rels�Ͻ ppt/slides/_rels/slide19.xml.rels�Ͻ ��j�|�Tm�*�+[���,+c�j�H�B���~�D�Qg. �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! No public clipboards found for this slide. ppt/slides/_rels/slide31.xml.rels�Ͻ Die höchste Anzahl an Typ-1-Diabetikern bei Kindern weist (Stand 2013) Europa auf. CSV; Excel; BibTeX; RIS; Citation. ppt/slides/_rels/slide21.xml.rels�Ͻ The IDF Diabetes Atlas is the authoritative resource on the global impact of diabetes. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as a glucose tolerance disorder with onset during pregnancy and is associated with increased feto-maternal morbidity as well as long-term complications in mother and child. The inability of the body to effectively regulate blood glucose levels results from multiple factors, including genetic predispositions and alterations, environmental and dietary circumstances, and exercise patterns. K�=� 7 ! ppt/slides/_rels/slide24.xml.rels�Ͻ K�=� 7 ! �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! Abstract. �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! ppt/slides/_rels/slide12.xml.rels�Ͻ Guidelines version available to download Full text. Der Gesundheitsbericht Diabetes wird von zahlreichen namhaften Diabetes-Experten verfasst. Diabetes Care. K�=� 7 ! ppt/slides/_rels/slide18.xml.rels�Ͻ Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. doi: 10.2337/dc19-S009. 2019 Guidelines on Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases developed in collaboration with the EASD ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines Topic(s): Diabetes and the Heart . ?��ʊ_D�/Q�d*��hƱz��9ΰ}p�\h���ApQ%H�cTM7d��=}�k����ؾ�;ٷ��Ɉ�YP>��v��C�#��i����f Diabetes … The diabetes mellitus codes are combination codes that include the type of diabetes mellitus, the body system affected, and the complications affecting that body system. Diabetes is a complex, chronic illness requiring continuous medical care with multifactorial risk-reduction strategies beyond glycemic control. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. The complete 2019 … ppt/slides/_rels/slide25.xml.rels�Ͻ See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. �0�]���&�AD��� 8�>��\�`��\��f���x_�?W�� ^���a-+�M��w��j�3z�C�a"�C�\�W0�#�]dQ����^)6=��2D�e҆4b.e�TD���Ԧ��*}��Lq��ٮAܦH�ءm��c0ϑ|��xp�.8�g.,���)�����,��Z��m> �� PK ! 41 Diabetes Mellitus Ppt 2019 Near Me. K�=� 7 ! Definition metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia due to an absolute or relative lack of insulin or to a cellular resistance to insulin ; Major classifications ; 1. Type of diabetes varies by type between pre-eclampsia and childhood-onset type 1 diabetes refers... Excel ; BibTeX ; RIS ; Citation ’ s S. tandards of Medical Care in diabetes 2018... - 2018 2013 ) Europa auf zum Thema in einer präzisen Übersicht zusammen on this website ( �W��G ��Qȯ���J! 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