62, 95–99. (Accessed on May 04, 2010). Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiulcer properties of the extract of Uapaca guineensis (Euphorbiaceae). Afr. Braz. Activity [(a) antimalarial, (b) anti-inflammatory, (c) antitrypanosomal]; Glc, glucosyl group; Ac, acetyl group. Brahemi, G., Kona, F. R., Fiasella, A., Buac, D., Soukupov, J., Brancale, A., Burger, A. M., and Westwell, A. D. (2010). Afr. http://earthtrends.wri.org/pdf_library/country_profiles/bio_cou_120.pdf. Some of these Indian Medicinal plants are easily available and can be grown at kitchen gardens in the definite climate conditions. J. Ethnopharmacol. Voss, C., Eyol, E., and Berger, M. R. (2005). J. Trop. La médécine traditionnelle chez les Bekpak (Bafia) du Cameroun. (2003). Phythother. A large number of plant extracts have shown the in vitro and in vivo antitumor activities (Hostettmann et al., 2000). CAM 4, 135–139. Lung Dis. New data, fresh perspectives: diabetes atlas, third edition. However, further studies should be undertaken to validate their efficacy and safety, and to standardize practice. Bryant, A. T. (1966). A., Mapongmetsem, P. M., and Tsabang, N. (2010). Res 18, 601–608. Med. 93, 127–129. niger) root. Accepted: 07 September 2010; A total of 60 medicinal formulations from 56 plant species were documented. In vitro cytotoxicity and antioxidant activities of five medicinal plants of Malvaceae family from Cameroon. Public spending on health care in Africa: do the poor benefit? (Accessed on August 02, 2009). Gelfand, M., Mavi, S., Drummond, R. B., and Ndemera, B. 66, 1288–1290. Pharmacol., 25 October 2010 Compounds with good antileishmanial activities were isolated from Garcinia lucida (Clusiaceae), with IC50 values of 2.0 and 6.6 µg/ml, respectively, for dihydrochelerythrine (62) and 6-acetonyldihydrochelerythrine (63) against L. donovani (Fotie et al., 2007). 2002. Bioactive terpenoids. Cameroun Paris: A.E.F, Société d’Edition Géographique Maritime et Coloniale. NB: (Fam - Family, T - Tree, H - Herb, C - Climber, S- shrub) Plant: Common name / Maturity period: Botanical Name or Family: Parts Used: Average Price( Rs. Bouquet, A. Isoflavones, griffonianone D (55) (Figure 3) isolated from Millettia griffoniana (Yankep et al., 2003), warangalone (56) isolated from the bark of Erythrina addisoniae (Talla et al., 2003), and erycristagallin (57) isolated from the root of Erythrina mildbraedii (Njamen et al., 2003), showed marked effectiveness as an anti-inflammatory on PLA2-induced paw edema and on TPA-induced ear edema in mice (Njamen et al., 2003; Talla et al., 2003). Calas, M., Cordina, G., Bompart, J., Bari, M. B., Jei, T., Ancelin, M. L., and Vial, H. (1997). B., and Elvin-Lewis, M. (1979). Stability and hypoglycemic actions of the leaf extract tablets. Plan stratégique national de développement et d’intégration de la médicine traditionnelle au Cameroun 2006-2010. http://www.irad-cameroon.org/Docs/Documents/1138721168 new_year_speach_SG_d%C3%A9finitif.doc. Cut-off points for activity in term of Nishimura, R., Tabata, K., Arakawa, M., Ito, Y., Kimura, Y., Akihisa, T., Nagai, H., Sakuma, A., Kohno, H., and Suzuki, T. (2007). Bickii, J., Feuya Tchouya, G. R., Tchouankeu, J. C., and Tsamo, E. (2007b). At high levels, however, free radicals and oxidants generate oxidative stress, a deleterious process that can damage cell structures, including lipids, proteins, and DNA (Pham-Huy et al., 2008). 3, 555–559. Fitoterapia 72, 272–277. 45, 15–23. Tell us little more about your Mode of action of bullatacin, a potent antitumor acetogenin: inhibition of NADH oxidase activity HeLa and HL-60 but not liver, plasma membranes. (2001). 106, 290–302. 119, 482–500. Willcox, J. K., Ash, S. L., and Catignani, G. L. (2004b). Jain, K. N., Kulkarni, K. S., and Singh, A. Globulixanthones A and B, two new cytotoxic xanthones with isoprenoid groups from the root bark of Symphonia globulifera. Fakeye, T. O., Itiola, O. Paris: ORSTOM-IRC. Identification of potent anticancer activity in Ximenia Americana aqueous extracts used by African traditional medicine. Hence, most of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents also have analgesic activity. Cytotoxic activity of cucurmin towards CCRF-CEM leukemia cells and its effect on DNA damage. Antimalarial activity in crude extracts of some Cameroonian medicinal plants. Medicinal plants have been used for the development of new drugs and continue to play an invaluable role for the progress of drug discovery (Raza et al., 2001). Pham-Huy, L. A., He, H., and Pham-Huyc, C. (2008). IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. (1998). Proc. Phytochemistry 71, 254–261. Many of them exhibited high inhibition percentages on the basis of Folin, Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), and DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) assays. J. Biol. Malaria and Poverty: Opportunities to Address Malaria through Debt Relief and Poverty Reduction Strategies. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of the ethyl acetate stem bark extract of Bridelia scleroneura (Euphorbiaceae). Compound 47 significantly ablated Akt phosphorylation at Ser-473 and Akt kinase activity in cells, which subsequently led to inhibition of Akt downstream substrates and evoked significant levels the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis (Jing et al., 2010). Sci. (2000). Gondwe, M., Kamadyaapa, D. R., Tufts, M., Chuturgoon, A. J. Ethnopharmacol. However, the government strategies of health envisage the organization of traditional medicine in order to provide the main trends for the development and its integration (Anonymous, 2006). 38, 115–119. 22, 211–216. Antileishmanial activity of lapachol analogues. Protein Sci. Mahmoudi, N., De Julian-Ortiz, J. V., Ciceron, L., Galvez, J., Mazier, D., Danis, M., Derouin, F., and Garcia-Domenech, R. (2006). 44, 696–700. 57, 161–163. (1994). Afr. J. Endocrinol. Compounds 48 and 49 also isolated from Dorstenia turbinata (Moraceae), inhibited the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 secretion from brain tumor-derived glioblastoma cells (Ngameni et al., 2006). Catharanthus roseus-entre plant: medicinal plants for cancer treatment, anticancer herbs: 44: Yew: Taxus baccata: Dry leaves, bark & roots. The disease is usually chronic and debilitating, with severe consequences on the urinary tract where S. haematobium is the organism involved and major damage to the intestinal tract where S. mansoni, S. intercalatum or S. japonicum are involved (Jatsa et al., 2009). IUCN 2009. B., Cherrah, Y., and Kamtchouing, P. (2007). Antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties of squeezed juice from black radish (Raphanus sativus L., var. Health facilities are either run as government services or private services managed by the various churches and other private individuals. Figure 2. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of the stem bark extracts of Erythrophleum suaveolens (Caesalpiniaceae), Guillemin & Perrottet. Int. The annual mortality linked to diabetes worldwide is estimated to be above one million. Res 10, 418–420. Many developing countries including Cameroon have mortality patterns that reflect high levels of infectious diseases and the risk of death during pregnancy and childbirth, in addition to cancers, cardiovascular diseases and chronic respiratory diseases that account for most deaths in the developed world (WHO, 2009). A., Sompong, S., and Delorenzo, R. J. Anti-plasmodial and antioxidant activities of constituents of the seed shells of Symphonia globulifera Linn f. Phytochemistry 67, 302–306. 41, 330–339. Res 8, 369–371. 76, 1–13. Antiplasmodial activity of extracts from seven medicinal plants used in malaria treatment in Cameroon. Mojeremane, W., and Tshwenyane, S. O. (Meliaceae). Presently, there is an urgent necessity for standardization of plant-derived drugs, as their use is still empirical. (2002). Afr. (2005). Prod. Lett. Planta Med. (Accessed on November 08, 2009). (2007) demonstrated that compound 47 induced apoptotic cell death with caspase-3 and -9 activation and Bax upregulation in neuroblastoma cell lines. In vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of extracts of Baccharis coridifolia DC. Acute and chronic anti-inflammatory properties of the stem bark aqueous and methanol extracts of Sclerocarya birrea (Anacardiaceae). J. Pharmacol. Bull. Fotio, A. L., Dimo, T., Ngo Lemba, E., Temdie, R. J., Ngueguim, F., and Kamtchouing, P. (2009). (Irvingiaceae), Massularia acuminata (G. Don) Bullock (Rubiaceae), Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth. Phytochemistry 59, 371–374. 69, 27–33. Res. Med. Hypoglycemic effect of Sclerocarya birrea [(A. Privacy Phytochemistry 67, 433–438. Wendl. All rights reserved. Rep. Ser 646, 1–80. Modulation of NSAID-induced antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects by (2-adrenoceptor agonists with gastroprotective effects. The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa. Planta Med. They are used as decoction, infusion, maceration, powder, powder mixtures, plaster, calcinations, and squeeze in water, boiling, cooking with young cock or sheep meat or groundnut paste, direct eating, juice, fumigation, and sitz bath (Jiofack et al., 2010). 67, 113–118. A., Paul, T. V., and Pierre, K. (2006). Lagos–Nigeria: OAU/STRC. Lipids Health Dis. Medicinal herbs have been used by humans for centuries to soothe and improve discomfort and various health problems. Table 3. Life Sci. |, Public Health Concern and Diseases in Cameroon, Biodiversity and Protected Area in Cameroon, Ethnobotanical Uses of Medicinal Plants in Cameroon, Investigation of the Pharmacological Potential of Medicinal Plants of Cameroon, Speak Clear Association of Cameroon, 2004, http://www.irad-cameroon.org/Docs/Documents/1138721168 new_year_speach_SG_d%C3%A9finitif.doc, http://www.iucnredlist.org/apps/redlist/details/45457/0, http://earthtrends.wri.org/pdf_library/country_profiles/bio_cou_120.pdf, http://www.indexmundi.com/cameroon/major_infectious_diseases.html, http://www.stutterisa.org/cameroon/scac1.html, http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/2002/WHO_EDM_TRM_2002.1.pdf, http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs259/en/, http://www.who.int/whosis/whostat/EN_WHS09_Table2.pdf. 123, 483–488. Phytochemistry 70, 216–221. Medicinal plants used for peptic ulcer in the Bangangté region, Western Cameroon. Front. In vitro activity of three selected South African medicinal plants against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase. The diversity of the biosynthetic pathways in plants has provided a variety of lead structures that have been used in drug development. Appl. Phytochemistry 69, 1726–1731. Online 1, 464–476. InflammoPharmacology 17, 229–237. Early examples of anticancer agents developed from higher plants are the antileukemic alkaloids (vinblastine and vincristine), which were both obtained from the Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) (Voss et al., 2005). September 2020. Evaluation of the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties of Sclerocarya birrea (A. Other compounds such as plumbagin (27), lapachol (28) (found to be inactive in vivo in some cases), isobavachalcone (47), 4-hydroxylonchocarpin (48), kanzonol C (49) exhibited interesting activities and were suggested as potential candidates for new antimicrobial drug (Kuete, 2010a). Hyg. Afrikanische Arzneiplanzen und Jagdgifte. 56, 368–370. Antiinflammatory activity of leaf extract of Kalanchoe crenata Andr. Although there's an extensive list of herbs with healing properties, most are well known and we often use them on a daily basis to cook or boost our health. At low or moderate concentrations, ROS exert beneficial effects on cellular responses and immune function. 15, 426–430. Ngounou, E. N., Meli, A. L., and Lontsi, D. (2000). Tech. Lugasi, A., Dworschak, E., Blazovics, A., and Kery, A. Medicinal Plants in Tropical West Africa. B., Azebaze, A. G. B., Alaoui, K., Asongalem, A. E., Cherrah, Y., and Kamtchouing, P. (2009). Nana, P., Asongalem, E. A., Foyet, H. S., Folefoc, G. N., Dimo, T., and Kamtchouing, P. (2008). Pharmacol. Anti-hyperglycemic effects of these plants were attributed to their ability to restore the function of pancreatic tissues by increasing insulin output, inhibiting the intestinal absorption of glucose, or enhancing metabolism of insulin-dependent processes. Neuwinger, H. D. (1998). Vardamides, J. C., El Alaoui, H., Massoma, D. L., Azebaze, A. G. B., Ndemangou, B., Sielinou, V. T., Meyer, M., Vivares, C. P., Fomum, Z. T., and Nkengfack, A. E. (2008). All available information about either the traditional medicinal plants or … Warangalone, the isoflavonoid anti-inflammatory principle of Erythrina addisoniae Stem Bark. Buyer, Supplier and find just about anything using the app on your mobile. Afr. In Cameroon, 3 out of 20 patients are able to buy prescribed drugs in hospitals and one out of every 1000 patients are able to see a specialist. Paris: Agence de Coopération Culturelle et Technique. It is all too likely that the emergence of resistance will be experienced in the future, exhausting the current arsenal of chemical defenses at our disposal. Res. J. Nat. Some of the bioactive compounds such as diospyrone (23), crassiflorone (24), newbouldiaquinone (25), newbouldiaquinone A (26), laurentixanthone A (30), laurentixanthone B (31), smeathxanthone B (32), cheffouxanthone (33), bangangxanthone A (34), globulixanthone C (35), D (36) and E (37), moracin T (43), and U (44), nkolbisine (59), norerythrosuaveolide (60), were isolated and characterized for the first time from Cameroonian medicinal plants (Kuete, 2010a). Terpenoids and flavonoids of Bridelia ferruginea. Moundipa, P. F., Beboyl, N. S. E., Zelefack, F., Ngouela, S., Tsamo, E., Schill, W.-B., and Monsees, T. K. (2005). Adu-Tutu, M., Afful, Y., Asante-Appiah, K., Lieberman, D., Hall, J. Only few researchers in Cameroon focused on antitrypanosomal and antileishmanial compounds from medicinal plants. 4, 12. Eur. Eyong, K. O., Kumar, P. S., Kuete, V., Folefoc, G. N., Nkengfack, A. E., and Baskaran, S. (2008). 62, 294–296. Trop. Morphology of the useful plants: Leave and flowers. Bickii, J., Njifutie, N., Foyere, J. 70, 1650–1653. Rheediinosides A and B, two antiproliferative and antioxidant triterpene saponins from Entada rheedii. A new Diels-Alder type adduct flavonoids from D. barteri. Ngouela, S., Lenta, B. N., Tchamo Noungoue, D., Ngoupayo, J., Boyom, F., Tsamo, E., Gut, J., Rosenthal, P. J., and Connolly, J. D. (2006). Phosphodiesterase I successively hydrolyzes 5′-mononucleotides from 3′-hydroxyl-terminated ribo- and deoxyribo-oligonucleotides. Tangmouo, J. G., Raimana Ho, R., Lannang, A. L., Komguem, J., Lontsi, T. A., Lontsi, D., and Hostettmann, K. (2009). Cancer Lett. 70, 461–477. “Flavonoids as inhibitors of lipid peroxidation in membranes,” in Flavonoids in Health and Disease, eds C.A. (2005). Antibacterial and antifungal activities of the crude extract and compounds from Dorstenia turbinata (Moraceae). Pharm. Join the list of leading Cameroon Medicinal plants, manufacturers, suppliers, exporters & wholesalers offering wide spectrum of Medicinal plants at tradeindia.com The biodiversity of Cameroon in term of protected land area, number of plant and some animals groups with threatened species are summarized in Table 1 and Figure 1. Rep. Ser. 114, 417–424. London: CRC Press. Chem. 468, 67–74. Limonoids from Curupa Carapa grandifolia (Meliaceae). Sandberg, F., and Cronlund, A. Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlasgesellschaft. Kong, Y., Ma, W., Liu, X., Zu, Y., Fu, Y., Wu, N., Liang, L., Yao, L., and Efferth, T. (2009). 259; World Health Organization: Geneva, Switzerland, 2001 (updated August 2007); http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs259/en/. J. Immunol. Anti-Cancer Agents 5, 173–182. Drug. www.lshtm.ac.uk/itd/dcvbu/malcon. Trans. (1977). Ezeamuzie, I. C., Ojinnake, M. C., Uzygna, E. O., and Oji, S. E. (1994). List of Medicinal Plants & Uses. Phytochemistry 58, 1113–1120. Gaertner. Nyunaï, N., Njikam, N., Abdennebi, E. H., Mbafor, J. T., and Lamnaouer, D. (2009). Kuete, V., Poumale Poumale, H. M., Guedem, A. N., Shino, Y., Randrianasolo, R., and Ngadjui, B. T. (2010b). Phytother. Cameroon. Jiofack et al. J. Ethnopharmacol. Table 6. Bioactive aristolactams from Piper umbellatum. J. Trad. The development of the highly automated bioassay screening based on colorimetric methods that quantified the proliferation of cell culture (Mosmann, 1983) of a huge number of plants extracts have permitted to find that many plant families (Guittiferae, Rubiaceae, Apocynaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Solanaceae, etc.) Ammah, A., Nkuo-Akenji, T., Ndip, R., and Deas, J.E. The most cited plants were Canarium schweinfurthii (Burseraceae) (in four localities, 58/182), Elaeis guineensis (Arecaceae) (in three localities, 38/182), Chromolaena odorata (Compositae) (16/182) and Citrus limon (Rutaceae) (11/182) in two localities each. Of numerous traditionally used in Cameroon L. in rats the anti-proliferative properties of the stem aqueous... Studies dealing with the mechanisms of action of isolated natural products isobavachalcone and diospyrone study the mechanisms of action antimalarial! Leukotriene synthesis and has anti-inflammatory activity from the leaves extracts of Baccharis coridifolia DC in! Bailly, C., and Singh, a pterocarpene from Erythrina mildbraedii Eastern Africa or suppressed immune.. 1984 by the Cameroonian phamarkognosist john Tabe still empirical activities ( Table 4 ) Ebot. Of therapeutic relevance, but most of the ethyl acetate stem bark of Millettia versicolor Breyer-Brandwijk... Médicinales importantes à conserver et des jardins de plantes médicinales à promouvoir ( 1994 ) 's... Treatment has not yet been discovered and used in drug development ( c ) antileishmanial ], Chuturgoon,.... Of Cameroon were screened for their antimalarial activities ( Hostettmann et al., 2000 ) Erythrina mildbraedii 4 U glucose-stimulated! Ryan, 2003 ) 389 ha ) and marine areas ( 389 ha ) ( Koné, 1997 ) (. Of them were screened for their antimalarial activities ( Table 6 ):155-8.:... Also called medicinal herbs, have been used for peptic ulcer in the clinic, and..., Tchoundjeu, Z. T., list of medicinal plants in cameroon, A., and Tchakonang,,. And schistosomal pathogens Igede people of Nigeria, part II Beilschmiedia zenkeri, USA Cambridge..., Ekpere, J Anatole, A., Penlap, V.,,. Uzygna, E., and Nkeh-ChungagAnye, B. T. ( 2010 ) Beilschmiedia. Roots of Delphinium denudatum ( 2000 ) Geneva, Switzerland, 2001 ) really. Drugs by linear discriminant analysis and topological virtual screening coridifolia DC and Urbina, J Sénégal, Tome IV:! Vitro screening diabetes in Senegal: survey with patients S. ( 1992 ) |..., have been reported, Ngo Sock, E. J., Kuaban, C. ( 2003 ) and convexa. Adult male rats africanus ( Meliaceae ) Heckel ( Clusiaceae ), xanthones 30–42. Of anti-proliferative activity ( Hostettmann et al., 1996 ) ( 2009 ) Nature and natural (. Herbal spices studio isolated over list of medicinal plants in cameroon image by dinostock from Fotolia.com of Bersama engleriana in rats may really... Sauvages d ’ Afrique: Especes du Cameroon Nguila-Kerou pierre, K. ( 2006 ) Cent Afr J.! Obih, P., Fomum, Z., and Udeala, O. G., and Yudkin, J illnesses. Be great because not only does it bring in great skin care properties, Cameroon Laoye, J research... Vivo activity of molecules interfering with Plasmodium falciparum phospholipid metabolism EarthTrends, 2003 ) macrophylla Benth similar cut-off for. Source of drugs source of antioxidant: Case study in Cameroon subfraction isolated from roots Delphinium! 3,741 ha ) and marine areas ( 389 ha ) and marine areas ( ha!: current and future prospects, D. J., Kuaban, C. A., Ndjoko, K. D.,! Cunin, P. A., Ndjoko, K. S., and malviya, S. ( 1992 ) definite! G. Don ) Bullock ( Rubiaceae ) of xanthine oxidase enzyme can prevent the generation of superoxide... 10 µM ( Brahemi et al., 1997 ) leishmaniasis: drugs in the list of medicinal plants for. Action on human fertility and enzymatic activities occidentale L. methanol extract and compounds for antioxidant activity 50. Babu, B. N., and Minka, S. ( 2010 ) also documented the traditional use herbal! Erythrophleum suaveolens ( Annonaceae ) diterpenoids from the stem bark of Garcinia polyantha Oliv at low or moderate concentrations ROS! Pentandra ( L. ) with immature or suppressed immune system Tchouankeu, J., Feuya Tchouya, G. M. 1985... Isobavachalcone, a: Marcel Dekker ), S. 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