In implementing portfolio assessment within their classroom, teachers fall along a three or four stage continuum. This article may serve teacher educators who are preparing teachers to implement student portfolios in the elementary school as a supplement or an alternative to the existing assessment and evaluation programs. What should my students know? In so doing, a thorough review of literature and researchers’ own reflexivity have been utilized. Start by by understanding that strategy. A school or classroom implementing portfolio-based assessments would collect various types of student work such as writing, art, photographs, class projects, and any other work that demonstrates student growth in the classroom. IT Application Portfolio Management (APM) is a practice that has emerged in mid to large-size information technology (IT) organizations since the mid-1990s. Especially … Search. Plan a slow implementation, and explain everything clearly as you go. This article discusses the four stages through which organizations may pass along the multiyear path to full implementation of active portfolio management. Integrate other electronic components into a course before you introduce the concept of a portfolio. Stages in Implementing Portfolio Assessment Identifying teaching goals to assess through portfolio the first step is to establish the teaching goals it must be clear what the teacher hopes to achieve in teaching Portfolio assessments grew in popularity in the United States in the 1990s as part of a widespread interest in alternative assessment. Schools of education are good candidates for e-folios because of accrediting agencies' dem… A portfolio is a collection of student work that can exhibit a student's efforts, progress, and achievements in various areas of the curriculum. Build towards a program-wide strategy, aiming for a new culture in assessment. Evaluation of evidence. Project portfolio management): the process ensures adequate/optimal uptake of organizational resources in successful (simultaneous) implementation of all organizational projects . Next stage is to introduce the idea of portfolio assessment and provide examples. Although many variations of portfolio assessment are in use, most fall into two basic types: process portfolios and product portfolios (Cole, Ryan, & Kick, 1995). We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Not for pu blicatio n or furt her repro duction. Determine judgment criteria:What criteria are you going to use to determine program e… The Portfolio Process. This takes time. What concept, skill, or knowledge am I trying to assess? 3. Set the Strategy. Further, to exploit portfolio assessment method effectively some suggestions were made. occurring simultaneously and the work often circles back to revisit earlier stages. Parental or community support for such a new and unfamiliar system of assessment. Think of a file which contains whatever a child has written for one year. These areas are developed further within these guidelines. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. 2. Stage 1: Identifying teaching goals to assess through portfolio • It is very important at this stage to be very clear about what the teacher hopes to achieve in teaching. NESA is regularly updating its advice as the coronavirus outbreak unfolds. PM Solutions provides you with guidance and implementation support to quickly deploy the PPM improvement recommendations. Step 1—Planning The assessment process is the final stage in confirming a learner has the skills and knowledge to perform an identified task. Portfolio planning is not a one-and-done deal—it requires ongoing assessments and adjustments as you go through different stages of life. • Dynamic re-assessment of the portfolio ... obtained less impact from the implementation of PPM elements (0.13 in a scale from –1 to . PDF (62kB) 11320.pdf. Identifying Teaching Goals to Assess Through the Portfolio. Portfolio planning recognizes that diversified companies are a collection of businesses, each of which makes a distinct contribution to the overall corporate performance and which should be managed accordingly. What will be the most useful and meaningful information to have to inform program improvement? The lack of knowledge or training necessary for implementing portfolio-based student assessment. Collection of evidence of achievement of learning. The goals of the model, the six steps followed and the participants' responses to this project are discussed. Overview of the stages for implementing an Assessment/Development Centre There are a number of stages to implementing Assessment/Development Centres, as shown. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Portfolio analysis plays a vital role in planning and implementation of various #strategic business units of the organization as a whole. Application Portfolio Management attempts to use the lessons of financial portfolio management to justify and measure the financial benefits of each application in comparison to the costs of the application's maintenance and operations. 3. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Integrate other electronic components into a course before you introduce the concept of a portfolio. Alignment of portfolio decisions to strategic business goals 3. iii FOREWORD The … Activities typically include: 1. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. ePortfolios can transform pedagogy; you cannot implement them without real curriculum change. Portfolio and project communication management 6. Also, portfolio assessment method is compared with traditional one in terms of different aspects. Get our latest COVID-19 advice. Teachers have to know what are their goals in terms of what the students able to do. Step Four: Step Five: Select criteria by which to evaluate portfolio work samples Require students to evaluate continually their own portfolio products Collect and store work samples Step Two: Students need to routinely appraise their work Holistically, analytically, or both This Learning is not a mystery. Implementation Framework for Climate Change Adaptation Planning at a Watershed Scale iv . Stage Framework. Consider which activities you've already completed, what decisions have already been is a platform for academics to share research papers. STAGES IN IMPLEMENTING Samples of responses are shared in Stages implementing portfolio 1. Defense of evidence. policy formulation stage, implementation stage and post implementation or impact assessment stage. 5.1 About Tourism Australia. Use the following steps to think about and share dream goals with other professionals. Portfolio and program prioritization and selection facilitation 4. ePortfolios can transform pedagogy; you cannot implement them without real curriculum change. 4. In this step, students will go through the work they collected and select the artifacts for their portfolio. Stage 5 mathematics resource library is a library of play-based and investigation-style tasks and activities for Stages 5.1 – 5.3; Teaching measurement Stage 4 (PDF 1.4 MB) provides practical lessons for the teaching of measurement. Table 1. What does your business want to achieve and when? How will you know that students are meeting the stated outcomes/goals? To gain transparency and focus, Sustainable Solution Steering® and Portfolio Sustainability Assessment classify the portfolio using relevant sustainability criteria, such as: Legislative requirements: Legislative requirements can be driven by sustainability issues, such as recycling, air quality or energy efficiency. This may be done by the student alone, with peers, and/or with the teacher. 2. Implementation in the real world rarely follows a linear path from one step to the next, but research indicates that there are generally four stages in implementing any intervention. Data-based Decision Making: Tools for Determining Best Practices in Grouping ... Getting There Together: Assessing for Student Learning, February 2011, E Portfolios In Assessment Holtzman & Hadley, Psychodynamic approach (Strengths and weaknesses), No public clipboards found for this slide, 5.4 STAGES IN IMPLEMENTING PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT. 2. You must have a clear goal in which you’re trying to keep and achieve in teaching. The following is a list of the types most often cited in the literature: Stages in Implementing Portfolio Assessment, Identifying teaching goals to assess through portfolio, the first step is to establish the teaching goals, it must be clear what the teacher hopes to achieve in teaching, Introducing the Idea of Portfolio Assessment to your class, introduce the concept of portfolio to the class, specify what and how much entries have to be included in the portfolio. (this can be done by class brain storming or in pairs, "portfolio partners", who help each other select samples of their work, and who can comments on their work...), to ensure that portfolio represents students' work and accomplishments, require some items to be done completely in class, ask also the students to explain in their reflections who helped them improve their work (it can be their peer, parents, friend, thru internet...) and what they learned from revising their work. It would give a chronological picture of how a child has undergone the learning process. Entries are collected and assessed separately. An evaluability assessment is an initial appraisal of whether an impact assessment should be conducted on the project and, if so, what is the most appropriate methodology to do so. Establishment or refinement of portfolio governance policies 2. Portfolio assessment is a term with many meanings, and it is a process that can serve a variety of purposes. Build towards a program-wide strategy, aiming for a new culture in assessment. Defense of evidence. Taking the time to plan assessments is often overlooked and you know the saying; fail to plan and you plan to fail. Let’s look at each stage in the assessment development cycle to see what your RTO can do. 5. Describes a study of Dallas teachers' perspectives on the benefits and difficulties they encountered in implementing portfolio assessment in primary grades. Stage 1. • Explaining the meaning of the word “portfolio”. Different processes and tools were used for each client group, and processes were not clea… Some organisations chooses to rate the “raw risk” initially, that is the risk associated with the hazards identified, without taking into consideration any existing controls. outcomes . A portfolio is a systematic and purposeful collection of learners’ work that demonstrates achievement of learning outcomes over time. Students demonstrate they have met various university goals, and the university can use this data to document its program's successes and shortcomings.2 In 2002, approximately 90 percent of all teacher education programs employed a portfolio system.3 Fifteen years later, a majority of this portfolio usage is electronic. In our last blog we looked at the definition of risk and discussed the approaches that could be used to rate the risk. Stage 2. A portfolio is a collection of students’ work over a period of time. 1. Here’s information about assessment strategies for Kindergarten to Year 6. Preview. 3. You can change your ad preferences anytime. At each stage, we included portfolio selection criteria, which went from high-level qualitative assessment at the idea stage to detailed quantitative estimate at the full business case level. Navigation Menu. Portfolio assessment has five stages: 1. At this stage, portfolio developers should see patterns in their work and use these observations to help identify goals for future learning. Implementing Alternative Assessment: Opportunities and Obstacles by Carole Janisch, Xiaoming Liu, and Amma Akrofi Abstract The theoretical framework for using alternative assessment in the classroom includes considering learners as constructors of knowledge; find-ing authenticity in materials and activities; employing dynamic, ongoing evaluation tools; and empowering students. An overarching implementation schedule, which integrates the key activities of all the participating departments and agencies and their sequence, together with any interdependencies, is a minimum requirement of cross-portfolio implementation plans. Speak with senior stakeholders and executives about their definition … To do this, you need to ask your self “What do I want my students to learn?” and choose several goals to focus on. This assessment is designed to highlight the skills, methodologies, tools and techniques required in project selection and management of a portfolio in order for an organisation to meet its specific business objectives. There are many different types of portfolios, each of which can serve one or more specific purposes as part of an overall school or classroom assessment program. Collection of evidence of achievement of learning. Ahpra assesses the qualifications at the Portfolio stage when the IQNM provides their qualification documentation. What is portfolio assessment? And those goals will serve as your guide on how you assess your students' work. Stage 2; You have to introduce the idea of portfolio assessment to your class. In stage three the intervention is implemented for the first time, reviewed and improved, before being fully implemented in the fourth stage. Some programs also use the system for program requirements. Once Ahpra assesses the qualification(s), the IQNM will be advised of their next steps i.e. entries can take many forms such as written, audio, and video-recorded items, artifacts (e.g. The approach is to collect data and analyze factors that impact organizational performance to identify areas of strength as well as opportunity. What do faculty want to know or curious about? Through activities in performance, composition, musicology and aural, a student: H3 improvises and composes music using the range of concepts for familiar sound sources reflecting the cultural and historical contexts studied Menu. E-folio systems provide a tool for collecting artifacts that can be used for program-wide assessment. Steps of Portfolio Assessment . Different implementation activities are relevant during each stage.Depending on where you're at in your implementation process, it may not make sense for you to follow every step in every stage, as outlined here. Strategy implementation is the translation of chosen strategy into organizational action so as to achieve strategic goals and objectives.Strategy implementation is also defined as the manner in which an organization should develop, utilize, and amalgamate organizational structure, control systems, and culture to follow strategies that lead to competitive advantage and a better performance. The purpose of assessment is to gather valid, reliable and useful information about student learning. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Portfolio assessment has five stages: 1. Whether you are implementing portfolio assessment for personal or external reasons, identifying your dream goals will help you and your students maintain focus, direction, and motivation. Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems_____ Page 171 of 250 Vara din, Croatia _____ Faculty of Organization and Informatics September 21-23, 2016. This takes time. There are a number of excellent models for understanding and analyzing data during an organizational change assessment, including the Burke-Litwin Model of Organizational Performance and Change shown in Figure 2. The process of facilitating successful student portfolios can be broken into four steps: collection; selection; reflection; connection; Collection Although the first step, collection, is straight-forward, it is not always an easy step to facilitate successfully. how to set standards for the portfolios. Novice teachers tend to loosely plan and schedule a rather unfocussed collection of best work across subjects. Stage 1 – Plan. 5. The first stage in implementing portfolio assessment is to identify teaching goals. IDENTIFYING TEACHING GOALS TO ASSESS THROUGH THE PORTFOLIO. • Organizing portfolio assessment is to establish the teaching goals. One method proving to be effective for gathering and organizing student productivity, growth, and development is the portfolio approach. Quality Checks—How to review a tool prior to implementation? Stage 1:Identify teaching goals to Assess through portfolio 2. Though some of the students had already ideas about portfolio you may … It could be day-to-day work or selection of the learner’s best piece of work. Reflection on learning. In most cases, the following occurred: 1. This article may serve early childhood directors and supervisors who are preparing teachers to implement student portfolios as a supplement or an alternative to the existing assessment and evaluation programs. 3. Plan a slow implementation, and explain everything clearly as you go. Organizational assessments follow a system science approach to assess the dynamics at work in the sponsor's organization. Portfolio Review Board session facilitation 5. The proposer was also asked to identify the activity category based on the three categories identified in the activities classification. At what level should my students be performing? If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. 7 Issues in Portfolio Implementation The time factor is one problem voiced by teachers and principals alike. creating the portfolios, and (c) a lack of materials and budgets to support teachers in implementing student portfolio assessment. Optimized resource planning including “what if” scenarios 7… Describes the revised portfolio assessment process implemented for Dallas (Texas) Chapter 1 students and reviews the literature on teacher adjustments to innovations. These goals will guide the selection and assessment of students’ work for the portfolio. • To be clear about the teachers hopes to achieve in teaching. • Step 5 responds to those assessments of vulnerability and risk by building a portfolio of adaptive actions that intend to reduce climate risks. Staged implementation The Government is taking a staged approach to the commencement of the new Act to ensure a smooth transition to the new measures. It is at this stage that the portfolio becomes a powerful tool for long term development. Allied health professionals working in early childhood intervention services use a range of professional and clinical assessment tools to identify children’s strengths and design programs that best support each child’s learning and development. Three challenges at this step are common. The analysis showed that five different tools were used to log and track project requests. essential questions that the teachers can use to guide students in reflections and self-assessment: how can I improve this? Though these steps do not follow a rigid chronological order, however they are very rational and can be easily followed in this order. What solutions or internal transformations are needed to reach these goals? The first two stages involve exploratory and planning activities. Setting Organizations’ objectives - The key component of any strategy statement is to set the long-term objectives of the organization. The time, effort, and resources involved in implementing a sophisticated loan portfolio system may seem daunting, but the effort can be richly rewarding in terms of performance improvements. Outcomes. Step 2: Establish Investment Objectives 2. Then, a specification of portfolio … Storage, access and maintenance are controlled mainly by the teacher. The very first and most important part of organizing portfolio assessment is to decide on the teaching goals. 4. 4. Implementation is a process and it unfolds over a series of stages (Figure 3). This portfolio assessment task for HSC music composition can be modified to suit the individual needs of a school. of the model, the six steps followed, and the participants' responses to this project are discussed. Typically, this is the document against which progress will be monitored and assessed for reporting through the Cabinet Implementation Unit. 4. STAGES IN IMPLEMENTING PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT 5.4. Assessment 4 builds upon the second assessment but focuses on the implementation of project portfolio management. By answering these questions, you can decide what type of activity best suits you assessment needs. Bruce, Christine S. & Middleton, Michael R. (1999) Implementing Assessment By Portfolio In A Professional Practice Unit. Stage 1: Foundation Building . See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. These are not the only kinds of portfolios in use, nor are they pure types clearly distinct from each other. 1. Any initiative to establish a loan portfolio management system must have a senior-level champion. 5.1.1 Implementation stages 23 5.1.2 Key activities in implementation 24. What type of knowledge is being assessed: reasoning, memory, or process (Stiggins, 1994)? STAGES IN IMPLEMENTING PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT . Their use of the e-folio tool incorporates data collection and analysis at the program and unit level. It simply requires students to collect and store all of their work. I have added the connection stage to the ASCD model, since this can become a powerful motivator for long-term development. Implementing Project-Based Learning And E-Portfolio Assessment In an Undergraduate Course Yasemin Gülbahar and Hasan Tinmaz Baskent University, Turkey Abstract In this case study, the aim was to implement project-based learning by utilizing e-portfolio assessment in a small-scale classroom (N = 8). The first step was to conduct an analysis of the current PfM systems and tools to determine the scope and extent of the requirements. In 1999 Higher Education Research and Development Annual Conference, 1999-07-12 - 1999-07-15. Aligning projects to business strategy is core to project portfolio management. Introducing the Idea of Portfolio to the Class. • The portfolio assessment will assess the … PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT 5.4. The steps include conducting an inventory of projects, defining portfolios, defining criteria for evaluation, scoring all the projects against the evaluation criteria and allow management to prioritise projects for execution. The process of strategy formulation basically involves six main steps. While most of the changes will commence on 1 March 2018, there will be a number of other changes that will involve further design and consultation. Determine evidence/indicators: What information/evidence needs to be gathered to answer the question? • Steps 6 and 7 complete the process by implementing the riskreducing measures and - monitoring and evaluating their effectiveness respectively. 2. Two organisations Tourism Australia and Fujitsu Australia have benefited from implementing Portfolio Management. Implementing Control Measures – The Risk Assessment Process. Stage 1; You must identify first your teaching goals in assessing the students through the portfolio. annotated drawing, a model), dialogue and or journals... specify for each entry how it will be assessed, acquaint the students with the scoring guide/rating scales before performing the task, Giving clear and detailed guidelines for portfolio presentation, set clear and detailed guidelines on how portfolios will be presented, explain the need for clear and attractive presentation, dated drafts, attached reflections or comment cards, Informing key school officials, parent and other stakeholders, do not attempt to use portfolio assessment method without notifying your school head, this will serve as a precaution in case students will later complain about your new assessment procedure, some portion of the class time can be devoted to student-teacher dialogues and conferences with other teachers in relation to the task of preparing the portfolio, stress the importance of reflection and self-assessment while preparing the portfolio. Because of high-stakes accountability, the 1980s saw an increase in norm-referenced, multiple-choice tests designed to measure academic achievement. PORTFOLIO/PRODUCT/PROCESS ORIENTED PERFORMANCE-BASED ASSESSMENT, Ed8. outcomes . Get our latest COVID-19 advice. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. These goals will guide the selection and assessment of students’ work for the portfolio… Learn the five steps to building a student portfolio for academic assessment as well as how to implement a portfolio program with your students. This portfolio planning and implementation tool is designed for instructors and is based on the principles outlined in Stage 4: Integrate Assessment. An important part of the evaluability assessment involves sitting down with project staff to work through a causal model for all the project activities to be covered in the impact assessment. Evaluation of evidence. Stages in Implementing Portfolio Assessment. if they continue in the IQNM assessment process as a Stream A candidate or a Stream B candidate, or if they first need to upgrade their qualification (Stream C). In order to administer any good assessment, you must have a clearly defined purpose. The techniques ESL teachers employed while implementing the assessment process in the classroom enabled the researchers to propose a model for portfolio assessment. Implementing an Assessment/Development Centre Stage 1: Pre-planning It is necessary for teachers to consider alternative means of evaluating their students. This institution uses the e-folio system for mandated portfolio assessment of unit requirements, including 37 accreditation programs. • Introduce the concept to the class. 9 Steps for Implementing Project Portfolio Management 1. See Early Stage 1 to Stage 3 resources for lessons on teaching measurement in Stages 2 and 3. Focus & articulate assessment questions: Which outcome/goal should be under focus? • Guide the selection and assessment of the students. PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT: INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDE: Second Edition Using Portfolio Assessment to Enhance Student Learning Dr. Sharon L. Bryant Dr. Andrew A. Timmins 2002 Hong Kong Institute of Education 10 Lo Ping Road Tai Po, Hong Kong The Hong Kon g c Institute of Edu ation Libr ary For p r ivate stud y or resea r ch onl y. A Guide to the Implementation Process: Stages, Steps and Activities page 1 A Guide to the Implementation Process: Stages, Steps and Activities ECTA Center Work Team on Implementation Process: Barbara Smith, Joicey Hurth, Lynda Pletcher, Evelyn Shaw, Kathy Whaley, Mary Peters and Glen Dunlap March 25, 2014 The ECTA Center is a program of the FPG Child Development Institute of the … Reflection on learning. The champion will embody the organization's long-term vision of implementing loan portfolio management. Implementation drivers such as technical leadership and adaptive leadership, organizational supports and personnel development mechanisms must align with and support the new practices. NESA | NSW Education Standards Authority. How one facilitates the second step, selection, depends on the kind of portfolio (process or product oriented) and to what degree a teacher stipulates portfolio requirements. Thus, you must ask yourself several important questions: 1. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Each tool was managed by different functions in ITOC, and three of the tools dealt with service (Business as Usual, or BAU) requests as well as project requests. Therefore, the portfolio-based assessment serves as a way to keep track of student progress not only each year, but year to year throughout their public school career. 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