Yes No Unsure. The Caring Company Scheme (the Scheme) aims at cultivating good corporate citizenship. Yes No Unsure. Kwun Tong (966) Kwun Tong Station (149) apm Millennium City 5 (74) E Plaza (31) Ngau Tau Kok (7) L'hotel elan (4) Ngau Tau Kok Station (2) Newton Place Hotel (2) Tsim Sha Tsui (1) Dorsett Kwun Tong Hong Kong (1) No results found. You can easily search and enjoy the best restaurants and local cuisines by using our services of online table booking, vouchers, remote queuing, take away and food delivery with just a few clicks! Mini Friday (The Wave), Hong Kong: See 80 unbiased reviews of Mini Friday (The Wave), rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #358 of 13,699 restaurants in Hong Kong. 4/F, The Wave, 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong China. 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong 3/F, The Wave,, Hong Kong China. A great venue for events . 4.3 km from Kowloon City +852 3705 9174. Kwun Tong. Apart from co-working space, The Wave is also an integrated entrepreneurial platform, creating shared value. Reserve a table at Mini Friday (The Wave), Hong Kong on Tripadvisor: See 85 unbiased reviews of Mini Friday (The Wave), rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #316 of 14,438 restaurants in … 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong (6,606.74 mi) Hong Kong, Hong Kong 518000 Kwun Tong. 貓耳粉 ($178)黑松露味好香,貓耳粉好可愛,口感亦帶微煙韌感,鱸魚柳唔會好重魚腥味,唔錯~ 如果醬汁再杰身啲就更 perfect 啦蘋果批  +  自家製雲呢嗱雪糕 ($75)熱辣辣嘅蘋果批配上凍冰冰嘅雪糕,冰火二重天咁食好正 呢個蘋果批仲有大大粒蘋果肉,酸酸甜甜咁好好味朱古力爆谷厚鮮奶 ($45)冷泡烏龍茶蜜糖牛油果奶蓋 ($45)飲品都唔錯,唔會話太甜~ 淡香嘅冷泡烏龍茶配上微甜嘅蜜糖牛油果奶蓋都幾夾,清香怡人~整體嚟講呢間餐廳算幾高質,值得再去, 同朋友興生, 話說之前成日係電視見到呢間餐廳嘅廣告好似好高級..心諗一定貴到hihi但人生點都要豪下嘅係咪先 XD於是決定黎呢到同朋友慶生我到左先..係等緊期間就睇下有咩飲啦~其實佢啲飲品幾特別,  例如佢地嘅奶蓋茶有竹炭奶蓋同牛油果奶蓋但由於當日本人極想飲酒所以點左杯Pina Colada.. 雖然係一杯可能係好多地方都飲到嘅cocktail但我好鍾意佢地點present 呢杯酒, 成件事更加少女我地叫左3個dinner set, 大家揀左唔同appetizer可以大家一齊share嘛 揀左澳洲藍青口配白酒忌廉汁輕煎北海道帶子配椰菜花忌廉泡脆炸蟹餅配芒果莎莎大家都改要法式龍蝦湯青口新鮮, 個醬汁簡直好似忌廉湯咁香白酒味又有青口嘅鮮味真係連汁都想飲埋帶子煎得剛剛好, 唔會過熟痴牙個椰菜花泡又係好清新配埋帶子好好食脆炸蟹餅配芒果莎莎 相比另外兩個appetizer呢個比較遜色冇特別驚訝法式龍蝦湯 好香好濃 仲要真係有龍蝦肉係入面飲完個湯就上芒果雪葩當我地覺我好新奇嘅時候侍應哥哥表示係比我地清一清個口絕對唔係甜品XD好有趣又真係幾清新 酸酸地更開胃主菜要左低溫慢煮燒美國雞胸釀煙火腿芝士其實比配菜吸引左XD 配菜係酥炸意大利青瓜花釀Ricotta Cheese 同白蘆筍個青瓜花好鬆脆又唔油, 白蘆筍就好爽脆龍躉魚柳貓耳粉, 好清新, 唔會好漏 加左檸檬皮同茴香 我地覺得食落去有少少泰式風味 烤西班牙黑毛豬扒, 雖然話7成熟但唔會覺得好生肉質軟多肉汁個配菜煙肉燴皺葉甘藍蘭度豆同個豬扒好夾同樣無油膩感最surprise 係個燒蕃薯竟然有薑味好好食啊 最後叫餐廳上蛋糕佢地會拍手掌同講生日快樂有一半食客都會跟住拍, 真係好鍾意個氣氛, .港女當然喜歡吃港女tea今次朋友就帶左我去觀塘呢間餐廳度食tea~唔講都唔知呢個位有 就一於試下先.呢個下午茶set岩晒我呢個愛好甜品人士主要係甜點黎架 有成9款Scone 可以自己加士多啤梨醬同忌廉食呢個scone都幾大個 咬落有實在感 加左提子乾特別香甜Matcha tiramisu 先食到抹茶既甘苦 再有甜味抹茶控必愛❤️ 我最鍾意食士多啤梨醬牛乳布丁同流心芝士撻!牛奶布丁好濃郁 甜而不膩 同草莓醬好match 流心芝士撻帶點咸香 曲奇皮脆卜卜 淨係聞已經好香再配返壺花茶 解一解甜 perfect 蘋果茶同桃茶都好出色!, 熊妹呢排high tea,high開有條路,又周圍搵吓啲high tea腳友去試啲靚靚high tea set啦!位於觀塘先進工廈「The Wave」2樓的《登堂》近排推出左個靚靚afternoon tea set,就揾埋好耐都無一齊high tea 的柴妹試下喇。佔據2樓全層的《登堂》,餐廳環境都幾寬敞,有好多張5-6人餐枱,多人聚餐都唔會覺得壓逼。咖啡bar枱位,望住專業嘅冲調咖啡師操作冲調咖啡機冲調咖啡,感覺別有一番風味。下午茶tea set有兩款,分別係甜食同咸食,其實即係底層的食物唔同左,甜食款係有三款甜點,咸食款係三款咸點,其餘兩層的食物都是一樣的。飲品包兩杯咖啡或茶,係飲品餐牌上任揀凍飲熱飲特色飲品都唔洗額外加錢!Afternoon Tea Set,$358熊妹知道呢款三成層架其實同尖沙咀K11 Musea入面某間高級西餐廳係一樣,賣相擺設已經取哂分。上層Strawberry Panna Cotta(左)滑滑的牛奶布甸,牛奶味唔算太重,布甸質感超滑身,唔會過多嘅魚膠粉令到布甸膠咗,鋪上甜甜的士多啤梨醬,一款非常簡單又易入口嘅甜品。Mango Mousse Chocolate Cookies(右)上面係芒果慕絲,甜甜的芒果糖漿味配合忌廉慕絲都幾香滑,下面有朱古力曲奇襯托着,滑滑嘅慕絲同香脆嘅曲奇配搭,又濕潤又有咬口,唔錯!中層Raisin Scone & Classic Scone (左後)一如以往, 熊妹認為最食得出下午茶嘅靈魂就係英式鬆餅。不過呢個靈魂就爭少少啦,鬆餅係幾大一件,但質感有點點乾身,唔係好重牛油味所以又唔算鬆化,就算塗上熊妹最喜愛的clotted cream都未有提升口感。Uji Matcha Tiramisu(右後)嘩!竟然有熊妹呢個抹茶控嘅抹茶味食物-宇治抹茶提拉米蘇!奶油味超香滑,有少少蛋糕撈埋一齊,配撘剛好嘅一款甜點。宇治抹茶就係面頭曬上一層宇治抹茶粉,就已經可以令成個甜品變成充滿抹茶味的抹茶甜品啦。Pink & Blue Donut(左前)細細地嘅一件冬甩仔,質感非常濕潤,外型似冬甩,口感似蛋糕,面頭就係鋪上染咗粉紅色同粉藍色嘅糖漿,pantone色系好吸引!Seashell Madeleine法國著名甜品貝殼蛋糕其實即係牛油蛋糕,外型造成貝殼型,入面仲加咗粒仿珍珠的糖珠,令到成件事真係好貝殼。牛油蛋糕口感好濕潤,香香嘅牛油味,中間夾雜着粉紅色同粉藍色嘅忌廉,食落一啲都唔膩濟。底層Parma Ham Melon(後)非常熟透又清甜嘅哈密瓜,被一片鹹香嘅巴拿馬火腿包裹住,巴拿馬火腿肥瘦均勻,非常之薄嘅一片已經充滿著鹹鹹的味道,在咬一口清甜嘅哈密瓜,非常經典嘅配搭。Cucumber Salmon Roll(左)非常厚身嘅一片煙三文魚,底層襯多條一舊厚切嘅青瓜卷,三文魚入邊仲有幾粒三文魚子,,一啖煙燻嘅鹹香再配搭一啖清新嘅新鮮青瓜,味道剛好中和了。Scotch Egg(右)好少下午茶小食中有蘇格蘭炸蛋, 實在驚喜萬分。外皮仲係炸到暖暖地架,明顯係即叫即炸,好細心喎,知道炸物放耐咗好大陣油益味架。炸皮酥酥脆脆的,入面的蛋唔係蛋白同蛋黃咁簡單,蛋白係由魚肉片組成,口感彈牙,然後仲有溏心蛋黃,即係成個炸蛋淨係保留着溏心嘅蛋黃,提升多重口感,非常有心思嘅做法!Iced Fruit Tea柴妹想飲凍野,揀咗呢杯凍果茶,味道就似凍檸茶,冇咩特別。Earl Grey Hot Tea熊妹食afternoon tea多數會揀咖啡飲☕️,不過今次想飲下熱茶送茶點,就揀咗至愛嘅伯爵茶。非常驚喜嘅係用上雲石嘅一套茶具,擺設都已經好靚靚,好吸引。好大個茶壺,雖然用上係茶包,但係茶味超濃,可以要求店員加熱水,熊妹不斷添加,都飲左3,4壼,仲好有茶味,真係超抵飲。呢款高級下午茶登陸觀塘工廈餐廳,環境,服務,食物,賣相又咁高級,$358加一,兩位呢個價錢絕對係物超所值!. Is this restaurant family-friendly? The Wave Kwun Tong: Level 10, The Wave, 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (MTR Exit B1) The Wave Mongkok: Level 25, Ginza Plaza, 2A-2H Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong (MTR Exit E2) Our Kwun Tong branch opened in February 2016 and is located in the heart of Kowloon East. Potential homebuyers line up at MinMetals Land’s sale office at One Pacific Centre in Kwun Tong for the Montego Bay project on 5 December 2020. Improve this listing. The Wave - 9/F Highlights: 5 mins walking distance from Kwun Tong MTR Station Event space for business meeting, seminar, training, product launch, exhibition … To learn more about our certification, check out our B Corp profile. The Wave is an integrated business platform incorporating event spaces, co-working spaces, serviced offices, pop-up stores and F&B floors all under one roof. A great venue for events . This café is suitable for gatherings. 2.7 miles from Kowloon City. Restaurants near Dorsett Kwun Tong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong on Tripadvisor: Find traveller reviews and candid photos of dining near Dorsett Kwun Tong, Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China. Shop L1-1, Level 1, APM Millenium City 5, No.418 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 0.1 miles from Kwun Tong Plaza “ Good pizza and other food ” 09/18/2018 Mini Friday (The Wave), Hong Kong: See 80 unbiased reviews of Mini Friday (The Wave), rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #358 of 13,699 restaurants in Hong Kong. Yes No Unsure. Wave Movement is committed to promoting various philosophy, with the aim to achieve sustainability, improving the society and the environment. It's hard to come by a spacious restaurant in the industrial part of Kwun tong and space is a luxury. Address: Level 10, The Wave, 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong (MTR Exit B1) Located in Mong Kok and Kwun Tong, The Wave provides serviced offices, share office, coworking space, and versatile event space, which satisfy the needs of entrepreneurs and SMEs. Kwun Tong District Restaurants - Hong Kong, China: See 5,385 Tripadvisor traveler reviews of 5,385 restaurants in Hong Kong Kwun Tong District and search by cuisine, price, and more. Guests enjoy selections from our gourmet burger menu, fresh pastas, entree salads, wraps & grill items. ft. in space. An American sports bar & restaurant located in the heart of Kwun Tong, 3 minutes walk from the MTR station, The Stadium is a uniquely designed space for your private events. Improve this listing. 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong 3/F, The Wave,, Hong Kong China. The Wave offers the best in casual dining in the heart of campus. Is this an European restaurant… 2/F, The Wave, No. Kwun Tong (966) Kwun Tong Station (149) apm Millennium City 5 (74) E Plaza (31) Ngau Tau Kok (7) L'hotel elan (4) Ngau Tau Kok Station (2) Newton Place Hotel (2) Tsim Sha Tsui (1) Dorsett Kwun Tong Hong Kong (1) No results found. 6/F, Millennium City Tower Phase 6, No.392 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong 0.3 miles from Kwun Tong Waterfront Promenade “ 食物質數好 價錢略高 ” 07/04/2017 6/F, Millennium City Tower Phase 6, No.392 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong 0.5 km from Kwun Tong Waterfront Promenade “ 食物質數好 價錢略高 ” 04/07/2017 Yes No Unsure. 4.3 km from Kowloon City +852 3705 9174. American, Bar $$ - $$$ ... Deluxe Daieiki Japanese Restaurant (Kwun Tong) 50 reviews Yes No Unsure. In response to the worsening fourth wave… Reserve a table at Mini Friday (The Wave), Hong Kong on Tripadvisor: See 85 unbiased reviews of Mini Friday (The Wave), rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #316 of 14,438 restaurants in … We don't support Internet Explorer 10 or lower version, please upgrade or switch to other browser: This website uses cookies to improve your website experience. ... Mini Friday (The Wave) 83 reviews. The Wave is a big family, with talents coming from all walks of life. Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. Being an iconic landmark in the heart of Kwun Tong, The Wave provides spacious and versatile event spaces that include high-speed Wi-Fi, projectors, printers and audio equipment suitable for hosting business meetings, multi-party seminars, training, product launches, exhibitions and open-day events. Tenants can choose from daily, monthly or time-based rents to save on the cost of leasing an entire office. Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. Is this restaurant family-friendly? Improve this listing. 6/F, Millennium City Tower Phase 6, No.392 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong 0.3 miles from Kwun Tong Waterfront Promenade “ 食物質數好 價錢略高 ” 07/04/2017 The Wave Kwun Tong – 9/F Highlights: 5 mins walking distance from Kwun Tong MTR Station Event space for business meeting, seminar, training, product launch, exhibition and open day event Accommodate up to 150 people Are the prices at this restaurant mid-range / moderate? Besides the food, there are televisions for patrons to catch soccer games, and also darts machine, pool tables and football machine. ... Mini Friday (The Wave) 87 reviews. For press enquiry, please contact, The Wave Kwun Tong:Level 10, The Wave, 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (MTR Exit B1), The Wave Mongkok:Level 25, Ginza Plaza, 2A-2H Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong (MTR Exit E2). The Wave Kwun Tong – 9/F Highlights: 5 mins walking distance from Kwun Tong MTR Station Event space for business meeting, seminar, training, product launch, exhibition and open day event Accommodate up to 150 people Yes No Unsure. ... Mini Friday (The Wave) 87 reviews. Kwun Tong Restaurants - Hong Kong, China: See 3,274 Tripadvisor traveler reviews of 3,274 restaurants in Hong Kong Kwun Tong and search by cuisine, price, and more. The Wave has been certified as a caring company from 2016 – 2020. They have happy hours and areas for private parties too. Are the prices at this restaurant mid-range / … If u treasure a nice place... to chill with a larger group, this is the place to go. The Wave participated in “Earth Hour” in 2020, calling for actions to protect our environment. By continuing to browse, you are agreeing to our, 2/F, The Wave, 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong. Is this location primarily known for Bars & Pubs? Are the prices at this restaurant mid-range / moderate? Kwun Tong District Restaurants - Hong Kong, China: See 5,252 Tripadvisor traveler reviews of 5,252 restaurants in Hong Kong Kwun Tong District and search by cuisine, price, and more. It is specifically geared towards building strategic partnerships between businesses and non-profit organizations to create a more cohesive society. Is this a Steakhouse? An American sports bar & restaurant located in the heart of Kwun Tong, 3 minutes walk from the MTR station, The Stadium is a uniquely designed space for your private events. Is this location primarily known for Bars & Pubs? The Wave Kwun Tong – 8/F Highlights: 5 mins walking distance from Kwun Tong MTR Station (Exit E2) Flexible layout for multiple event purposes, can be partitioned into smaller function areas Accommodate up … We are proud to join them in redefining success in business, so that one day, everyone will use business as a force for good. The Wave Kwun Tong 8/F (over 3,000 ft, fits at most 500 ppl); The Wave Kwun Tong 9/F (over 1,200 ft fits at most 160 ppl); In addition to business meetings, lectures, seminars, corporate training and product launches, event spaces are also available for parties, fan meetings, markets and large-scale events. Is this a Steakhouse? Is this a Steakhouse? Kwun Tong District Restaurants - Hong Kong, China: See 5,252 Tripadvisor traveler reviews of 5,252 restaurants in Hong Kong Kwun Tong District and search by cuisine, price, and more. Besides cultivating corporate social responsibility, the Scheme also strives to promote partnerships between businesses and social welfare sectors. Address: Level 10, The Wave, 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong (MTR Exit B1), Address: Level 25, Ginza Plaza, Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mongkok, Hong Kong (MTR Exit E2), For general enquiry, please contact More Our friendly staff, great food, drinks & atmosphere make the Wave the most popular eatery on … 4.3 km from Kowloon City +852 3705 9174. The Wave was also awarded Happy Company, Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship Award and Social Capital Builders Award. 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong 3/F, The Wave,, Hong Kong China. The Wave Kwun Tong 8/F (over 3,000 ft, fits at most 500 ppl); The Wave Kwun Tong 9/F (over 1,200 ft fits at most 160 ppl); In addition to business meetings, lectures, seminars, corporate training and product launches, event spaces are also available for parties, fan meetings, markets and large-scale events. The Stadium Bar & Restaurant 4/F, The Wave, 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍觀塘興業街4號The Wave 4樓 Yes No Unsure. Is this restaurant family-friendly? Website +852 9311 9939. Improve this listing. 2.7 miles from Kowloon City +852 3705 9174. 16-18 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong Shop A3, 1/F, Mai Hing Industrial Building Block A, 0.2 km from Dorsett Kwun Tong, Hong Kong “ Great Thai Food ” 14/12/2018 ... Mini Friday (The Wave) 83 reviews. Is this location primarily known for Bars & Pubs? Kwun Tong. Please send an email to with your CV. To build a diversified community with good motivations. Kwun Tong. The Wave Kwun Tong. Kwun Tong. Yes No Unsure. Today, there are over 3,000 Certified B Corps around the globe, including Ben & Jerry’s, Kickstarter and Patagonia. However, we have 3 things in common! To offer a dynamic space with great experiences. The Wave became a Certified B Corporation in 2017. Improve this listing. Dining in Kwun Tong (Hong Kong), China: See 433,172 Tripadvisor traveller reviews of 14,111 Hong Kong restaurants and search by cuisine, price, location, and more. © 2020 Openrice Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Wave Kwun Tong offers a huge event spaces for rent. 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong 3/F, The Wave,, Hong Kong China. The Wave’s mission goal is to help the next wave of passionate entrepreneurs and SMEs to realize their dreams and grow their businesses beyond limits. Is this a Steakhouse? Kwun Tong. The Wave Kwun Tong encompasses spacious co-working spaces, serviced offices and event spaces under the same roof. These display that our company is playing a proactive role in engaging its staff in voluntary work and building a cohesive community in Hong Kong. 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong 3/F, The Wave,, Hong Kong China. Our Kwun Tong branch opened in February 2016 and is located in the heart of Kowloon East. We are very different from each other – different ages, different backgrounds, different characters and different strengths. 4.3 km from Kowloon City +852 3705 9174. Yes No Unsure. A ballgame-theme café with more than 7,000 sq. Is this restaurant family-friendly? American, Bar $$ - $$$ ... Deluxe Daieiki Japanese Restaurant (Kwun Tong) 50 reviews B Corp acknowledges socially aware companies that use the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. American, Bar $$ - $$$ ... Deluxe Daieiki Japanese Restaurant (Kwun Tong) 50 reviews The Wave Kwun Tong offers a huge event spaces for rent. Mini Friday (The Wave), Hong Kong: See 85 unbiased reviews of Mini Friday (The Wave), rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #316 of 14,438 restaurants in Hong Kong. Yes No Unsure. We look forward to having fun with you in the near future! To learn more about our certification, please refer to the Scheme website. 登堂Downtown's Address, Online Booking, Telephone Number, Ratings, Reviews, Photos and Menu, located at 2/F, The Wave, 4 Hing Yip Street Kwun Tong. Dining in Kwun Tong District (Hong Kong), China: See 433,074 Tripadvisor traveller reviews of 14,111 Hong Kong restaurants and search by cuisine, price, location, and more. Some Sweet of my Afternoon Tea☕️..觀塘區,真係愈來愈多美食。一間觀塘工廠區 竟然有間可以登上大雅之堂既餐廳,而正直下午茶時段,仲有靚靚Afternoon Tea Set 可以吃,真係好驚喜。而且餐廳內環境好雅致、時尚又有氣派、空間感亦十足,岩晒同三五知己來嘆返一個下午茶,質素真得很有水準呢。.ll $328✨Strawberry Panna Cotta✨Manago Mousse Chocolate Cookies✨Uji Matcha Tiramisu✨Pink & Blue Donut✨Seashell Madeleine✨Baked Banana Filo Pastry Roll✨Chocolate Brownies✨Cheese Tart✨Raisin Scone & Classic Scone✨Homemade Strawberry Jam & Clotted Cream.一個價錢不貴,而且超級華麗既下午茶架,仲有齊10款咸、甜點 ,由下午@3pm - 6pm 都可以吃到,成個Set 真係好靚好靚,未食已經好興奮。估唔到工廠區餐廳內,所提供既Afternoon Tea 都比得上酒店水準呢。而且金色雀籠餐架,華麗而優雅。.ll $68Uji Matcha Tiramisu另外單點了一款Matcha Cake,Cream好幼滑口感,滿滿抺茶味道十足,喜歡Matcha朋友不能錯過喔。.ll $98Baked Alaska另一款雪山甜品,蛋白造型美美❤️,上桌後用火槍燒,營造火焰效果,好有視覺效果呢,亦係一款又美又好吃的甜點。..最後當然唔少得一杯靚Coffee☕️ to Wake Me Up,拉花美美的 Mocha $48 & 而超濃郁又同樣拉花美美的Rich Chocolate $46...在觀塘區都有一間甚具質素,堂皇大雅既西餐廳,而且這個價位真的非常可以喔。..×××××ש觀塘興業街4號The Wave2樓.. OpenRice, the most popular dining guide in Hong Kong which has expanded to various Asian regions, provides you with comprehensive dining information, restaurant reviews and ratings. The Wave is the pioneer of serviced office and co-working space in HK, which is dedicated to providing a well-rounded integrated business platform. Mini Friday (The Wave), Hong Kong: See 85 unbiased reviews of Mini Friday (The Wave), rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #316 of 14,438 restaurants in Hong Kong. "Located at the heart of Kwun Tong, at 4 Hing Yip Street, diagonally opposite to McDonald's, The Wave is a building with a service provider offering event space, co-working space, private offices, pop-up stores and F&B floors all under one roof." American, Bar $$ - $$$ ... Deluxe Daieiki Japanese Restaurant (Kwun Tong) 50 reviews The decor is trendy with an abundant amount of staff for this size and food prices are not cheap. Improve this listing. Is this a fast food place? Is this location primarily known for Bars & Pubs? The restaurant also posts what’s for sale on Facebook—letting the stuff go at wholesale prices—and does delivery. By clicking “Okay, I agree” with our updated Privacy Policy,  it indicates your consent when providing us with your Personal Data through the Stan Group Website, or forms; indicates your consent to our customer representative when providing us with your Personal Data through telephone; or indicates your consent when checking in or staying at any Facility. Is this a Steakhouse? Inspiring business visionaries to go beyond limits. Dining in Kwun Tong District (Hong Kong), China: See 433,074 Tripadvisor traveller reviews of 14,111 Hong Kong restaurants and search by cuisine, price, location, and more. Yes No Unsure. Yes No Unsure. Different ages, different characters and different strengths food prices are not cheap Facebook to start sharing and connecting your. 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