To make it, pack a jar full of … 10, 2018, p. 1-12. I spent days poring over the scientific literature, and what I found horrified me—not just about cedar, but also about pine. Depending on which part of the wood your shavings are coming from, your pine may be more or less toxic than average. Even if we all convince only one person, that’s a lot of chickens who won’t be needlessly harmed. Unfortunately, though, these compounds are thought to pose a potential health risk, especially with regards to respiratory problems (asthma, inflammation, allergic responses) and changes in the liver.. The bales I get are 3 cubic feet and expand to 5.5 cubic … Another way some pine shavings may be more toxic than others has to do with the kiln drying process. It will cut down alot on the volatile oils. The mice that had been housed on pine shavings had significantly more damage to their livers than those that weren’t housed on pine. Combined with the other health difficulties though, we should seriously question the use of pine … A really interesting study tested the toxicity of pine shavings bedding used in laboratories all over the world (Pelkonen and Hänninen, 1997). The chemicals responsible for causing liver stress and damage in animals are most likely the terpene hydrocarbons and aromatic compounds in pine (Miyamoto et al., 2008; Li et al., 2009). I’ve already come across a lot of arguments people are using against pine shavings toxicity, and I’m going to address those here. The foster society then informally surveyed rabbit owners all over the country who had reported their rabbits had died of liver disease. By using The Spruce Pets, you accept our, Concerns With Cedar Chips and Pine Shavings, Comfortable Bedding Options for Pet Chinchillas, Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Species Profile, Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Paper Cat Litter Review, Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters: Species Profile, Naturally Fresh Walnut-Based Quick-Clumping Cat Litter Review. $29.99 $ 29. Get kiln dried pine or air it out for a week before using. … They are already scratching around, etc. Her necropsy (i.e., the animal version of an autopsy) showed she had liver damage, which was a big surprise to them. Pine shavings are one of the most-used chicken bedding materials in the United States. However, researchers have tried to remove the dangerous chemicals in cedar through autoclaving (Cunliffe-Beamer, 1981) and heat treating the wood (Weichbrod et al., 1988), but both methods failed to do so. Chicken coop ventilation: 21 design ideas with pictures, The BEST luxury coop you’ll ever buy: Spoil your chickens with Rita Marie's, Sand for chicken coop bedding: Pros, cons, and how to do it right, Straw for chicken coop bedding: Pros, cons, and how to do it right. Pisaniello, D., Connell, K., and Muriale, L., “Wood dust exposure during furniture manufacture – Results from an Australian survey and considerations for threshold limit value development.” American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, v. 52, no. 5-6, 1986, p. 501-508. They are easily found both at local feed stores and national farm supply chains, they are relatively inexpensive — a compressed bag that expands to approximately 8.0 cubic feet of shavings … The best part is that it is all-natural and works without the use of harmful chemicals. Cattails. Studies of laboratory animals have shown fairly dramatic changes in liver enzymes of animals housed on cedar bedding though. Potgieter, F. and Wilke, P., “Laboratory animal bedding and nesting materials for rodents and lagomorphs: The South African Situation.” Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, v. 64, no. Near the beginning of this article, I made an argument for why pine shavings are likely just as toxic to chickens as they are to other animals. Why are pine shavings unsafe for your chickens? The high-nitrogen chicken poop is the "green." Small Pet Select- Pine Shavings Chicken Bedding, 141L, Brown (Chikpine-141l) 4.7 out of 5 stars 240. 3792, 1967, p. 1057-1058. Shortly after Sarah’s death, another one of their rabbits died. Although these are just anecdotes, and should not be taken as proof of pine toxicity, they can be helpful when scientific studies specifically on chickens aren’t available. These changes, in turn, can affect the metabolism of drugs in the liver, including anesthetics, but there is not much information on a direct link between these changes and disease or clinical symptoms. 3, 1981, p. 178-186. 2, 1992, p. 84-87. Many gardeners choose wood shavings for mulch because it's one of the most economical choices available. He said it just “kind of” bothered him. Recently, I’d noticed that a lot of people had started using cedar shavings in their coops, saying that cedar toxicity to chickens is a myth, so I decided to look into it. Bedding, as with other aspects of livestock management, can be manageable through proper care and attention. Wood mulches, particularly mulch from pine trees (Pinus spp.) Once inhaled, they may cause damage to the respiratory system, liver, and nasal cavity. In certain areas, cattails are abundant. 6, 1981, p. 672-675. What exactly causes these alarming changes? Miyamoto, T., Li, Z., Kibushi, T., Yamasaki, N., and Kasai, N., “Use of soft hydrothermal processing to improve and recycle bedding for laboratory animals.” Laboratory Animals, v. 42, no. Pine bedding is unsafe for chickens due to the damaging effects of abietic acid on the respiratory system, the damaging effects of terpene hydrocarbons and aromatic compounds on liver function, and the carcinogenic nature of pine dust. Warning. Many people make this argument from tradition—“If it was good enough for her, it’s good enough for me.” I feel sentimental about my grandmother too, but we need to leave this argument behind. Pine-induced illness occurs slowly and gradually. It is considered as a bedding for different types of animals. The rabbit’s necropsy showed it had severe liver disease, and that this was likely the major contributor to its death. Some of the first studies to reveal the harmful effects of pine bedding on the liver were conducted by Vesell (1967, 1968). We started with a kitty pooper scooper. Your chickens are getting exposed. I still wouldn’t use aspen, but it’s worlds above pine. Bauer Farms Premium Shavings are also environmental friendly and bio secure. Sawdust Mulch. In general, bedding for an animal must be comfortable, clean, and absorbent. Cedar shavings perform well as a mulching material by holding moisture in the soil and reducing the growth of weeds. She said: Lisa acknowledges that she isn’t 100% sure the pine shavings caused the respiratory issues. If you compost your kitchen scraps, shavings are great for the dry matter that helps in that process. For example, one of my favorite chicken gurus, Lisa Steele of the Fresh Eggs Daily blog, shared her story of trying pine in the coop here. Until now. Sawdust can be used as an organic mulch that is very effective at controlling weeds, insulating soil, and conserving soil water. They’re used in both brooders and chicken coops. The team tested the cytotoxicity and inducer activity of all these bedding types using the Hepa-1 in vitro-assay process. They just couldn’t help themselves. I'm new to all of this. Wood shavings can be scraped from dead branches to be used as tinder. That same trick also helps lawns thrive under needle-dropping trees. It’s also important to keep in mind that it is possible for pine … Some alternatives include paper-based pellets and fluff like Carefresh Ultra (an absorbent bedding that also holds together well so the wet parts can easily be scooped out), litters made from a variety of other organic materials (e.g. Am seriously considering the sand. I actually use this exact straw in one of my small coops (although I do plan to move them onto sand soon). It never occurred to me to use sand inside the chicken coop even though I used … Make Pine Infused Oil. The poop isn’t the problem—the pine is. F or the first two years of my chickening adventures, I used pine shavings as litter inside the coop primarily because they were a common recommendation that was readily available fairly inexpensively. Vesell found that drug-metabolizing enzymes were increased in rats and mice kept on bedding of cedar or pine shavings. This help absorbs moisture odor control, oh my the clean up is a breeze. Leaves a … The foster society found that every single one of the rabbits who had liver problems were being exposed to pine shavings. Thus the evidence is, at best, only suggestive. However, these negative effects are much lower in aspen than they are in pine and cedar. Other constituents of pine may harm animals as well, but very little research has been done on other chemicals. We always use pine shavings for baby chicks. The liver enzyme measurements had all gone back to within the normal range. Pine Shavings. In the case of milking, pregnant, nursing, or very young livestock, specific attention to bed… If your chickens are living on pine shavings, they likely won’t be able to fight these pathogens as effectively. Li, Z., Okano, S., Yoshinari, K., Miyamoto, T., Yamazoe, Y., Shinya, K., Ioku, K., and Kasai, N., “Soft-hydrothermal processing of red cedar bedding reduces its induction of cytochrome P450 in mouse liver.” Laboratory Animals, v. 43, no. I already addressed this above, but I’ll mention it briefly again here. How to Mulch With Cedar Shavings. But, if you have access to other types of pet bedding it is recommended to use them over wood shavings so you don't have to worry about potential risks. And to be fair, all of us in the chicken-raising world have simply taken it for granted that pine shavings are a good and safe bedding. Many options exist and most of them are less of a risk to your pet than wood shavings. It makes me wonder if long-term exposure to pine shavings may contribute to some of these deaths. Ayars, G., Altman, L., Frazier, C., and Chi, E., “The toxicity of constituents of cedar and pine woods to pulmonary epithelium.” Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, v. 83, no. You may feel skeptical about the arguments I’ve made here, especially since this is probably the first time you’ve heard them, but the research here is solid. 6, 2003, p. 616-621. Cedar shavings can be mixed with potted plant soil as a natural, pleasant smelling fertilizer for potted indoor and outdoor plants. Is there any problems if I add the pine shavings to my vegetable soil ( after i clean the coop)? Pine shavings are commonly used for chicken coops as they’re more absorbent than most other materials, have insulating properties, are low in cost and widely available, and can be used for the deep litter method and composting. 3, 1988, p. 296-298. I know the chicken manure could affect the garden if not composted or dried for a period of time, but my other concern is that the Pine shavings themselves could alter the soil in a way that may be harmful to the plants. The Disadvantages of Wood Shavings as Mulch. You may even feel defensive because you have housed or are housing your chickens on pine. Some of your chickens may be greatly weakened by pine-induced illness, which you can’t see, and this weakness makes them susceptible to other illnesses. Let’s also remember that the humans who get sick from pine dust are typically those working at sawmills (Demers et al., 1997). One of the things that’s interesting about this study is that nobody would have known these rabbits died of liver disease or with liver damage if necropsies hadn’t been done. So you could have a chicken die of another illness, and even know exactly what that illness is. Very fine pine wood particles are inhaled. Pine shavings became popular among most dog owners because of the benefits that it provides. Different types of woodworking create different types of … Spread the wood chips in a 1 inch layer over the soil. Sawdust from white pine, that has been dust remomed Sawdust, it's easy to clean out and smells great. When I had pine in my coop, some of my hens even insisted on dust bathing in it. So no one has any idea if soft hydrothermal-processing removes the two most dangerous acids in cedar and pine, plicatic acid and abietic acid, respectively. Other experts report skin sensitivities, itching, or allergies to pine shavings and their pets so it might be irritating to their skin despite being safe for the respiratory tract and liver. Chicken research is done almost solely on industry chickens that either don’t live on bedding (laying hens) or are killed in a matter of weeks or months (broilers), so the long-term effects of pine shavings toxicity don’t matter. They might not show symptoms at all, and the symptoms they do show are typically so generic, they could be caused by anything. It is thought that heat-treating pine shavings may reduce the levels of aromatic hydrocarbons that have been shown as a potential concern. aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols) that are given off. When organic materials are used, ammonia volatilization is reduced, improving the air in the housing facility. 2, 1968, p. 81-97. Epithelial, tracheal, and lung cells disintegrate and slough off (Ayars et al., 1989). using fuel for steam generation and heating. There are several types of beddings for each animal. My adorable chicks are 8 days old. Hopefully, we can reach a critical mass together, and pine shaving toxicity will become common knowledge. Chickens live in the moment—one of the many beautiful things about them. July 18, 2000. Many of the studies on wood toxicity have been conducted on humans who are exposed to these woods and their by-products in the wood product industry (such as those who work in lumber mills who are exposed to lots of wood dust). One of the nice things about straw is that even if you don’t have easy access to it, you can order straw here on Amazon. Concerns with pine shavings and cedar chips. However, there have been many discussions over the safety of these materials among exotic pet owners and advocates. Interestingly, if rodents weren’t used in medical experimentation, rodent owners would be just as in the dark about the toxicity of pine to their pets as we are about it with our chickens. Question Do any of you compost your waste sawdust and shavings… Hessel, P., Herbert, F., Melenka, L., Yoshida, K., Michaelchuk, D., Nakaza, M., “Lung Health in sawmill workers exposed to pine and spruce.” Chest, v. 108, no. If you do have plants that don’t like acid soil, apply a thin layer of compost before you put down the needles. In an enclosed area though I'd probably get kiln dried. wood shavings have been specially designed for horses, flowers and poultry, chicks and other birds. The particles don’t just magically get sucked out of the coop with good ventilation, as much as we would love that to be true. (1997). Wood shavings are chiefly used for pet bedding products. Lianne is a veterinarian, epidemiologist, and freelance writer who's written nearly 400 articles for The Spruce Pets. There is some discussion that the pine … Helps keep the grass and weeds away from the base of the trees. Buddaraju, A. and Van Dyke, R., “Effect of Animal Bedding on Rat Liver Endosome Acidification.” Comparative Medicine, v. 53, no. Pine shavings are commonly used for chicken coops as they’re more absorbent than most other materials, have insulating properties, are low in cost and widely available, and can be used for the deep … Numerous studies show that both pine and cedar bedding drastically increase hepatic microsomal enzyme activities and are cytotoxic to the liver (e.g., Vesell, 1967; Cunliffe-Beamer, 1981; Törrönen et al., 1989; Connors et al., 1990; Potgieter et al., 1995; Pelkonen and Hänninen, 1997). Chickens in the broiler industry don’t live long enough to suffer the great harms of pine toxicity. My coop is incredibly well ventilated, much more so than average, but I still had dust everywhere. Reply. WHY USE PINE BEDDING? quality wood flour. So, if pine shavings toxicity isn’t studied in the chicken world, why is it studied in the mammal world? The point is—the dust is there, whether you realize it or not. Unfortunately, all of the research on pine shavings toxicity has been conducted on mammals, not chickens. They then euthanized the animals, exposed slices of their livers to cocaine, and then tested the level of damage to the liver cells. aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols) that are given off. It’s safe chickens won’t try to eat it. 4, 1997, p. 385-398. Note: Here's a tip for pet rat, rabbit, guinea pig (cavy), mouse and hamster fans, never use Cedar or Pine … I myself have bought the shavings pictured here straight off of Amazon! The long-term effects of pine-induced illness, such as asthma, liver damage, and cancer, may take months or even years to develop, much longer than the life of a broiler chicken. If you’re not sure what else to use for bedding, consider chopped straw or sand. When pine is kiln-dried, the extracts in it, including abietic acid and other dangerous chemicals, migrate (Myronycheva et al., 2018). Many backyard and homestead chickens die of unexpected causes. 3, 1989, p. 610-618. If you’re working on a home-improvement project, chances are you’ve got a few piles of sawdust in … This wood shaving is a classic small pet bedding but is no longer the ideal bedding for chinchillas. A more recent study found that many of the enzymes affected by pine shavings bedding stayed elevated for at least 6 weeks after the animals were removed from the pine (Davey et al., 2003). They’re basically saying that any of these chemicals in pine bedding could potentially harm the rodents or alter their biological functions in some way, and thereby unknowingly affect the results of medical experiments. 1-2, 1997, p. 73-80. The surface of the wood ends up with very high levels of extracts, and the core has lower levels. However, even some of the pelleted products can be used as a substrate or bedding for rodents, especially as a cage liner with some softer bedding provided as a top layer. I have them in a large box, and am using newspapers for the bottom. The scary thing is that if your chickens have liver problems, you may never know. All pine and cedar bedding available for purchase are toxic. Experiments are still in early phases, but soft hydrothermal-processing does seem to remove at least some of the terpene hydrocarbons and aromatic compounds responsible for liver stress. As far as wood shavings go, aspen is a good option that is widely available. I also do not know if every animal exposed to pine has liver problems, but it seems from the studies that most, if not all, experience at least some liver stress. We all thought it was safe. Our shavings are made from untreated pine. Pine Shavings . 2, 1992, p. 44-51. It’s very easy to understand why chickens have been left out. Although our chickens will never be exposed to cocaine, many will be exposed to other toxins or opportunistic pathogens at some time. Pine needle oil has several useful applications. Urination takes place in … I put them in my compost pile to let them break down a bit before putting them on my plants, but I think it’s worth trying it as a mulch, too. At least mine don’t. Carter, R. and Lipman, N., “Feed and Bedding.” Management of Animal Care and Use Programs in Research, Education, and Testing, Weichbrod, R., Thompson, G., and Norton, J., ed., CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2018, p. 639-654. If you don’t know where to start, please share this post on your favorite social media and pin it on Pinterest! Vesell, E., “Factors altering the responsiveness of mice to hexobarbital.” Pharmacology, v. 1, no. When abietic acid from pine wood is inhaled, it destroys the cells in the airway and lungs (Ayars et al., 1989). I called our local quarry today – the guy said to ask for Grade B sand (and it’s limestone) – I guess this is good – I have no idea. Sawdust and shavings are ideal for mulching around the base of trees, in gardens and on lawns where you are trying to choke out unwanted growth. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. The Mak-Collection, “Abietic acid.” The MAK-Collection for Occupational Health and Safety: Annual Thresholds and Classifications for the Workplace, 2013, p. 1-31. Boysen, M., Voss, R., and Solberg, L., “The nasal mucosa in softwood exposed furniture workers.” Acta Otolaryngologica, v. 101, no. Exposure to pine dust can cause a wide range of signs and symptoms, including: Rhinitis-like reactions with or without asthma, (from Whitehead et al., 1981; Pisaniello et al., 1991; Shamssain, M., 1992; Halpin et al., 1994; Hessel et al., 1995; Demers et al., 1997; The MAK-Collection for Occupational Health and Safety, 2013). These elevated liver enzymes indicated that the animals’ livers were not able to process toxins sufficiently. The reason why pine and cedar shavings became popular as materials for pet beddings because they contain some natural insecticide properties (cedar wood shavings can repel or kill bugs and lice) and are good at controlling odour. Another study exposed mouse cells to pine extracts and found the pine was cytotoxic to the cells, meaning that pine actually causes cell death (Törrönen et al., 1989). However, pine shavings contain dangerous toxins that may cause serious harm to your chickens. It has not been adopted by industry, so you will not be able to find bedding for your chickens that has undergone this process. Shamssain, M., “Pulmonary function and symptoms in workers exposed to wood dust.” Thorax, v. 47, no. Supa Shavings are ideal for covering the floor of your pens, where calves reside over the colder months. Uses for shavings and sawdust A discussion of uses for and the marketablility of waste from the primary processing of lumber. All owners answered that they had been using softwood shavings (cedar or pine) for their rabbits. Maier, H., Gewelke, U., Dietz, A., Thamm, H., Heller, W., Weidauer, H., “Laryngeal cancer and occupation – results of the Heidelberg laryngeal cancer study.” HNO, v. 40, no. More surprisingly, despite the fact that the cytotoxicity of pine on rodents had been known for 30 years (at the time this study was done), many research institutions were still using it. Shavings ordinarily come from air-dried or kiln-dried wood. Like a compost pile, you begin with a layer of pine shavings or other organic matter in the "browns" category. Harriman, M., “Litterboxes and Liver Disease.” House Rabbit Journal, v. 1, no. They were either housed on pine shavings or they were using pine shavings as litter. But you now have a choice to make, and you can choose to prevent this harm from happening to your chickens in the future. You spread them around another way some pine shavings bedding is toxic poring. 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