As far as tree size goes, the Jelly Palm is more desirable as a landscape tree because it is much smaller at maturity than the huge Chilean wine Palm. They are sometimes candied. Palm wine made by fermenting mesocarp pulp and from sap by tapping flower bud (non-destructive); fibrous mesocarp also eaten fresh; palm wine distilled into spirits; palm heart edible (destructive) H. thebaica – Doum or gingerbread palm (solitary - … Jubaea chilensis, the Chilean Wine Palm, sap used for wine making and actual seed is said to be edible Phoenix dactylifera, the True Date Palm Salacca species, edible fruit eaten in Indonesia and Asia Serenoa repens, the Saw Palmetto. A close relative of the tropical Coconut palm, Jubaea produces small edible coconuts as well. Edible Parts: Fruit Oil Sap Seed Edible Uses: Oil Sap - raw or cooked. across (2.5 cm), with a soft pulp that tastes like coconut. A very sweet taste, it can be used as a refreshing drink[1, 2, 11, 61], concentrated into a syrup or fermented into a wine[183]. It is huge, with extraordinary fat and massive trunk.n Its crown is magnificent. The trick is to pick before they do.

Majestic palm with a large trunk, that can grow to 80 feet.
Jubaea chilensis is an evergreen Tree growing to 12 m (39ft) by 5 m (16ft) at a slow rate. Seeds (ground up) are used as a prostate medicine and thus edible #368 The seeds look and taste like miniature coconuts.

Chilean Wine Palm (Jubaea chilensis) – As the name implies, the sap of this species can be used to make wine. A hollow (but living) Jubaea in the Ocoa Valley near La Campana National Park, Chile is 6 to 7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 m) thick at its base, with no apparent taper in the lower trunk. Taste the Tropics with These Palm Fruits ... but not much is known about the fruit it bears. It is in leaf all year. To harvest the sap, the crown of leaves is cut off, after which the sap begins to flow. Coquito nuts, also referred to as coker nuts, pygmy coconuts or monkey's coconut, are the fruit of a Chilean palm tree. Our first word of warning is that all of the following nuts — Chilean wine palm, Licuri palm, Bolivian mountain coconut, and Quito palm — are not at all easy to crack. Hardy to 15F. Snake Palm (Salacca zalacca) – Its peeled fruit dipped in a mixture of sugar and salt is wonderful. There is minimal arch to a Chilean Wine palm leaf. It is the hardiest feather-like palm in the world, it tolerates -10 degrees c and is also drought and wind resistant. The nuts will keep for months in cool, dryish storage. Chilean Wine Palm is known for producing a walnut sized edible fruit (called a coquito) that is not unlike a small coconut, with a yellow-orange hard outer shell and a white meaty center. It is hardy to zone (UK) 8 and is frost tender. Coming Soon! As far as tree size goes, the Jelly Palm is more desirable as a landscape tree because it is much smaller at maturity than the huge Chilean wine Palm. Wine is made from the sap. The Chilean wine palm is a massive palm with an imposing trunk (up to 5 m in diameter and 25 m in height in its native habitat), but a slow-grower. There are only good things to say about Jubaea (Jubaea chilensis). Wine is made from the sap. The fruit is edible and tastes delicious like a combination of wine and jelly, almost alcoholic, unfortunately the rats and other pests also enjoy this fruit. 2 seeds per pack. #368 . Extremely slow-growing and long-lived (several hundred years), Chilean Wine Palm is also the most cold-hardy feather palm. Wine Palm - Butia Capitata The Wine Palm is native to Brazil and Uruguay. The Wine palm also called the Wine and Jelly palm (Butia capitata) has a fruit that is very sweet like wine and jelly the fruit is about 3 to 4 cm's round with a seed inside about 1 to 2 cm's. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils.
The seeds look and taste like miniature coconuts. The tree, Jubaea chilensis , takes up to fifty years to achieve maturity, and is native to the coastal valleys of Chile. It is one of the most hardy pinnate palm, and the best palm for temperate climates.

The one I am most interested in now is Jubaea chilensis or the Chilean Wine Palm. The edible kernels are eaten raw or made into confections.

There are other palms that produce edible fruit in the Mojave Desert such as the Jelly Palm and the Chilean Wine Palm. Snake Palm (Salacca zalacca) – Its peeled fruit dipped in a mixture of sugar and salt is wonderful. Nipa palm (Nipa fruticans) – Its sap is used for a liquor and the fruit is edible.

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